
Am I allowed to drive through the Mexican border with friends if I am under 18?

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Am I allowed to drive through the Mexican border with friends if I am under 18?




  1. Well  off course you can,  but if some traffic policeman pull you over, then your car will be inpound and you will need the owner of the car to pick it up on the mexican side,  after paying a fine for the car and allowing a minor drive without a license.

  2. Well it depends on how old your friends are and how long they've had their license. If you're in California, the rule is that your friend must have had their license for one year before they can drive you. As long as you do that, you should be fine. You don't need a passport to get into Mexico. Have fun with your friends!

  3. probably not to get into mexico but to come back

  4. yes  you can

  5. As long as you have a passport you should be fine.

    have fun !

  6. Of course not.

  7. yes you are, but must have a driving license.

  8. yeah,  but u need an ID to get back in

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