
Am I allowed to use my handheld GPS on during commercial flights? (i.e. to know where we are etc.)?!?

by  |  earlier

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hehe cherokee, it's funny, I am asking because my father bought me the Garmin GPSmap496 for my birthday (22), so we actually have almost the same=).




  1. yes. I have used my garmin gps296 on commercial flights,.


    do you have the xm weather subscription?

    I am considering upgrading to the 496

    I have a student that brought hers(496) to  her second lesson,

    had to threaten to confiscate it until after the check ride.

    take in mind the following reg prohibits using  an electrical device . Pilot in command or the Carrier itself  makes the determination if you can use it or not;  see.. (b) 5 and (c)

    § 91.21   Portable electronic devices.

    (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, no person may operate, nor may any operator or pilot in command of an aircraft allow the operation of, any portable electronic device on any of the following U.S.-registered civil aircraft:

    (1) Aircraft operated by a holder of an air carrier operating certificate or an operating certificate; or

    (2) Any other aircraft while it is operated under IFR.

    (b) Paragraph (a) of this section does not apply to—

    (1) Portable voice recorders;

    (2) Hearing aids;

    (3) Heart pacemakers;

    (4) Electric shavers; or

    (5) Any other portable electronic device that the operator of the aircraft has determined will not cause interference with the navigation or communication system of the aircraft on which it is to be used.

    (c) In the case of an aircraft operated by a holder of an air carrier operating certificate or an operating certificate, the determination required by paragraph (b)(5) of this section shall be made by that operator of the aircraft on which the particular device is to be used. In the case of other aircraft, the determination may be made by the pilot in command or other operator of the aircraft.

  2. In many cases yes but it does depend on the airline, I have come across some airlines specifically prohibiting it and mentioning it in the passenger briefing. Just ask the flight attendant before doing it.

    They do not interfere with aircraft systems but you will have to have it right up against the window to receive anything, the aircraft structure is very good at blocking the gps signal, so make sure you get a window seat.

    Have fun

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