
Am I alone in thinking moma cherrie's isn't that great? Brighton?

by  |  earlier

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She's had a lot of press lately but having eaten real soul food I just wasn't impressed.?




  1. You wanna go to The Black Lion

  2. No - me too. As alternative eating establishments, try Ha,HA or Fountainhead.

  3. She needs to get Gordon back in to help her again it sounds like!

  4. YOU are right.

    it's not as good as it used to be.

  5. No I agree with you. We tried to book soon after she appeared on Gordon Ramsay's show and couldn't get a table. When we tried again, 6 months later, I thought compared to the programme it had gone down hill again. The service was poor and I personally, thought the food was average.

    It's just such a shame that when people get a break like appearing with GR that it's then wasted.

  6. never been

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