
Am I alone in thinking this way?

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I really wanted Hillary to win. I will say that frist. Ok..

I feel like the whole time Hillary was still in the race that the news tore her apart, and helped Obama. Mean while McCain was just flaoting around. Now I feel like the news will which to attacking Obama like they did her. Anyone else think this will start? And by the way I am voting for McCain anyway now. I just really wanted to know how you all feel!! :)




  1. what did you think of her speech today?

  2. I am not an American.I am from far away country.But i know something about american election.I know this answer is not very good.

    I don't think these three candidates have so much different ides.if anyone become a president they can't make a big different in Gorge w Bush's actions.(about Iraq war,about terrorism)

    I think McCain will make a problem with Russia.

    I am to like Clinton.But i can't guess she can manage the responsibilities as president.

    About Obama I like if he can do the "change" he going to make

    But i have no sure about his change.

    Every americans shold not afraid if he is "black" or "Islamic".

    But i like to vote him  ( if i were american) if he had a strong idea about terrorism and iraq war.

  3. let me start this off by saying that i absolutely can not stand obama and the white house in the same scenario. hes untestable he never sticks with a decision, if he ever made one. he has very little experience and i hope that america will pull through this.

       Its completely ridiculous i was listening to npr today and its like people want to faint when they think of obama like hes their messiha or something. that guy who wont even wear a tiny pin with our flag on it. much less pay respect to our flag during the national anthem. but this has all been said before i guess.

      I'm a conservative and to be honest i realy did like hilary she seemed really ok and i think the democrats really messed up in not choosing her. McCain is just... old school. but is that not the best choice if forced to choose between him and obama?

       The news is really making me mad with obama they haven't been able to say 90% of the stuff that should be said because of the color of obamas skin and its really getting old. and that Governor of virginia straight up worships obama.............. that all ill say sry i went on a rant


    I feel that RON PAUL is the only hope that this country has...

    Ron Paul was the only person tackling "REAL" issues that every American needs addressed. Ron Paul was the only person going after the things like the Federal Reserve Bank and the I.R.S. - real issues that most haven't realized that are crumbling our country. He was the only one going after the Government to restore our constitution form the fires of the Patriot Act... now, Obama and McCain are pretty much the only people the public is lead towards... it's pretty sad when the only person in the debate that's making a l**k of sense is mocked and pushed to the back... hey, I guess now I understand how followers of Christ must have felt.

    There - that's how I feel.

    Honestly - I don't think people really listened to a thing that man said...

    They were too busy swimming in the sensationalistic waves of the personal political drama instead of searching for anything with substance.

  5. i'm sorry, but you are kind on your own on this sorry...

  6. i guess.... but why switch parties?  

  7. I think Hillary had more dirt to hide than Obama. The media is already going after him .  The DNC is becoming the Bill and Hill show.  So you're voting for McCain.  Good Luck with that.

  8. What made you jump the fence?

    Obama & Hillary were on the same team, but now you have swapped?

    Why? is it simply cause he is black?

  9. I think it is a cruel game and both candidates will attack each other until the end.  That's just the way these elections go... and good for you for voting for McCain.

  10. i didn't feel that way

  11. I disagree.

    And why is this under psychology...?

  12. The news will attack anyone. I felt they were hard on Hillary because she is a woman and regarded as a tough first lady. They are on Obama because he is black. They are on McCain because he's a senior citizen married to a younger, attractive woman. People should make their own minds up and ignore the media.

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