
Am I aloud to................

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ship Betta fish through out the country by:::: USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate??? Please answer




  1. Yes.  The USPS will ship fish throughout the US provided you declare the contents.  You have to let them know when you send it that the package contains water and live fish.  There is not usually a problem.  I have shipped and received live fish and shrimp all over the US many times.  I often use the flat rate boxes for single or small quantity fish shipments.  Sometimes there will be brief periods when they will not ship live fish due to weather conditions, or they will not guarantee an arrival date for certain reasons, but usually it is fine.

  2. i think you can mail anything these days but maybe u need like an animal passport or some kind of permit for it to out of the country. research it and see or go to a UPS store and ask.

  3. no. cant ship live animals.  

  4. The #1 rule for shipping fish is NEVER SEND THEM IN THE WINTER ! they wont live.and most likely will freeze from the cold.make sure they are fed well before shipping about 2 weeks before hand.To do right buy a styrofoam cooler and get a box so cooler will fit inside. get freezer bags or fish bags from pet stores to place fish into,Place newspaper in bottom of box for extra insulation, place fish into bags no more than 2 per bag. This allows for air for the fish add about an inch or two wateror enough to cover the fish little water allows for more oxygen in the bag.Place loose newspaper around again to help protect the fish,Then tape cooler shut. And write on both sides of box FRAGILE! LIVE FISH.. make so big they cant miss it!Take to post office (most wont ship live animals) send it PRIORITY!! If they say you can't ship live fish tell them,,,,

    In the domestic mail manual section 124.632 it states you can ship "nonvenomous " cold- blooded animals! via the post office...

    Your fish will last about a week in the mail (weather permitting) if they have to . With this info you can ship almost anywhere across country , Not sure for out of the US.

  5. My pet store I work a (Petco) uses FedEx to ship our fish in, I do believe you need a license though.

  6. Some require a license, best to check at your local USPS.

    Sometimes they will not allow it and usually people just stamp FRAGILE all over it and the USPS doesn't know there is live animals in it.

    I have sent shrimp and live plants, by using LIVE AQUATICS, and my USPS does allow live shipping just not fish or any other animals.


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