
Am I an alcoholic or becoming one?

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am 16 years old and my dad and uncles and grandfather are alcoholics, it's definately genetic but my mom thinks I am an alcoholic but I don't think so, some things she's told me that she's noticed is that I lie and sneak about yeah, one time I told her I was going to a party and wouldn't drink but I did, many times I have gone to parties and have been wasted and she has never noticed, she says I sneak it and lie alot and those are signs of an alcoholic. There's been times where I have drank by myself or sneak it. I will admit yeah I do like it and it's fun to party but I don't think I am an alcoholic because I don't drink everyday or party all the time.I altleast drink once every week. I just want someone else's advice on this and be honest. There's more to this but this is just the general outline of it.

I don't really want any comments saying I am stupid and retarded about this, just some real help. thanks :]




  1. no.

  2. Lying and sneaking is definitely a sign of a problem. Just because you're not constantly doing something, like drinking everyday, it doesn't mean that you have a problem with it. You get thoughts like that because you're trying to reassure yourself that if you don't drink everyday, then you'll never develop a problem. You're being defensive when you lie because your mom sees the problem, but you don't want to admit to having one, because of the whole "I don't do it everyday" thing. You're sneaking around because you know that if you get caught, they'll try to make you stop, and you don't want that. You get a sort of satisfaction when you don't get caught sneaking, because it gives you a sort of freedom to drink. Kinda like the whole "if I can't see them, they can't see me" thing. If you're sneaking, then they're not paying attention. Does this make sense?

    The best thing to do is quit drinking. You say you like drinking, but what made you start drinking it in the first place? Are you doing it just for the drunk feeling? Did something happen, and you turned to alcohol to help avoid it? Maybe you feel like an adult when you drink, because there's a reason for the law that minors can't drink, so it's like you're sticking your middle finger up at the police? lol... Also, if you started drinking because of some problem, you now have worse/more problems, because of the sneaking and lying. Instead of fixing one, you've created more.

    Look at your life. You're only 16. You're still in high school. Perhaps you have your license and your own car. Maybe even a job? What about friends and/or boyfriends? Think about your behavior with the drinking. Your body is still developing, and the alcohol isn't helping you at all, it's slowly killing your brain cells, but more importantly, your liver. Your grades could start slipping if you started drinking more, because you'll rather drink and party than do homework. Get a hangover on a school night, the next day, you'll feel like c**p and might just stay home from school; or you go there and everyone can tell you're hungover. If you ever get pulled over by police and they suspect that you've been drinking alcohol, and you had, then you could lose your license for a while; you'll have the DUI on your permanent record. Your parents would start to trust you less because they let you drive because they felt you were being responsible. However, when you get in trouble with the law, they'll think twice before letting you have your freedom back. They don't want to give you another chance to s***w up. Not only will your problem affect your relationship with your family, it'll get in the way of your friends/boyfriends. No one wants to be seen with someone who's drunk off their ***; it's embarrassing. And since you're lying and sneaking about the drinking, people will assume that you'll lie and sneak around about other stuff. They'll be suspicious, and they have a right to be, because it's likely that you will start lying and sneaking about everything else. It can cause arguments between your friends and your boyfriend, and they will want to help you, but if you're constantly lying or sneaking or denying that you have a problem, they'll become weary and slowly drift away from you. You're not the kind of person they liked anymore. You're only thinking about yourself and not anyone else when you sneak and lie. So yeah, you should stop before it gets worse. If it doesn't get worse now, then it definitely will later in your life. You'll be old enough to buy alcohol, you'll be going to more "grown up" type parties, you have the freedom to do whatever you want without your parents giving you a hard time, and you'll thinking you're in control of your life... you won't be in control for long. The alcohol is already starting to take over your life; stop now before it completely destroys you, and your loved ones don't even know you anymore.

  3. As a recovering alcoholic myself I would advise for you to strongly consider not drinking.

    When I was 16/17 I would sneak it from the bottles in the house and whatnot and would just drink at parties too.

    I presume you still live at home since you are 16.  Because of this and since you have family around, it is eaiser for you to not loose control over your drinking.  When I moved out on my own, I had no one holding me back from giving into temptation and my drinking quickly got out of hand.

    By the time I was 24, I lost my job, and was in the hospital for 3 weeks because I had wrecked my body up quite bad from drinking so sneaks up on you and before you know it you've lost control.

    I have been sober for 3 and a half years and its been wonderful,  I have finally realized that you don't need alcohol to have a good time (I'm sure you've heard that before and just scoffed, I did) but it's true.  You will feel better, look better and have more money.

    Take care of yourself!

  4. Signs of becoming one.  You don't have to drink everyday to be an alcoholic.  Binge drinking is a severe problem now, especially with college students.  We now know that drinking patterns are established early on (14-16) and are very predictive of adult alcoholism.  You have a family history, so are more at risk.  The best way to prove your mother wrong is to not drink at all.  (college psychology professor)

  5. Your question is very intelligent and obviously you care about yourself and your future. Since knowing the family history, why would you even chance drinking? Please look at the facts and try to get your life on track before you really are addicted. Good luck.  

  6. can you drink one or two and stop every time?

    Can you tell exactly what will happen when you take a drink every time?

    Ever had a black out where you just wake up somewhere talking to someone and don't know how you got there when drinking?

    Normal people don't ask questions like, "do you think I am an alcoholic.

    People that are not alcoholic usually don't drink again for a long time, months after getting wasted.

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