
Am I an alcoholic???

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I am 13 years old and every since i was ilke 4 whenever my grandma (i live with her) would drink a glass of wine i would ask if i could have a tiny glass and she gives it to me( tiny glass) half full.I have never gotten drunk or anything but it just seems to calm me down if i am worked up




  1. No you are not an alcoholic but I hope you aren't getting it yourself without your Grandma knowing it.  

    That is stealing, and against the law.  

  2. You're not an alcoholic, but it's worrying that you are using alcohol to self medicate. Next time you're worked up, find another way to clam down (go for a walk, have a bath, deep breathing) otherwise you'll become dependent on that half glass of wine.

  3. sounds llike ur on the track to becoming one

  4. Do you feel as if you NEED it?

    like you would drink mouthwash just to get the alcohol in it?

    i didnt think so

  5. You don't meet the criteria for alcholism .. unless grandma is giving you those tiny glasses of wine every day, many times a day.

    (Of course it's calms you down.  Alcohol is a drug that depresses your nervous system.)

    EDIT:  While you are definitely not an alcoholic, and it's probably better to be drinking SMALL amounts at home than partying with your friends -- drinking every other day at age 13 probably isn't the best idea.  Alcohol does damage brain cells .. and you need all of yours.  Limit those 'tiny glasses' to once a week or so.  Learning to drink responsibly isn't a bad thing.

  6. you are not an alcoholic

    being an alcoholic is when you totally depend on it to function

    but i do think that you are too young to be drinking and doing that  

  7. No, you don't sound like an alcoholic. You should be concerned if you wake up in the morning and feel like you can't function unless you've had a drink. That you simply can't do ANYTHING without it. Also, if you start to get anxious or hot sweats or anything that could be classed as a withdrawal symptom, then you may have minor alcoholism

    However, try to lay off the wine, and limit yourself to say half a glass a week or something. Alcohol is a bad thing to get addicted to, and if you do become alcoholic then you'll have a very long hard struggle to get off it.

    Good luck!


  8. An alcohilic is not classified by how often they drink, but rather the reasons why they do so.

  9. i like your picture! its soooooooooooooooooooooo cute! lol!

  10. No, you aren't an alcoholic because you don't have the symptoms of alcoholism.  Alcoholics drink excessively (meaning several glasses a day) and do it because they feel depressed or empty.  You are doing it socially with your grandmother, and you aren't getting drunk in the process.  As long as you aren't overdoing it, I don't think there's anything wrong with having one glass of wine a day.  I'm not sure how much truth there is to this statement, but I've heard that a glass of wine a day is actually good for you because it contains antioxidants.

  11. NO, your body isn't telling you, you crave or need it!

    Wine/Alcohol can calm you has a depressant affect.

    Many Parents/Grandparents also believe if a child is allowed  taste/drink the Liquor at home, they'll have no need to want it, unlawfully.

  12. maybe

  13. My dear Kady....

    Well.....honey...even though...that was not such a "terrific" thing to do, I am sure, your grand-ma didn't mean any harm. Sure, the alcohol will always "calm you down"...those are it's "functions", vut I would not be concerned about the lable "alcoholic" in your case, honey ! If I may make a suggestion, I would say to you : observe you for about "a week -or- so" your behavior & see, if you can "resolve" a stressful situation with other measures, instead of reaching for "wine" or other alcoholic beverages....see if you can resolve a "conflict" without the "substance"...This way, you'll have the reassurance, that you do NOT..."depend" on the alcohol to resolve any "conflict"...OK? Try it, Kady !!! Hope, all works out fine for you!!!

    Wishing you all the best for the future ! Greetings from Germany with all my love & care...Annette***

  14. You are an alcoholic if you depend on it to get you through tough times or every day, more extremely... If you can stop, then your life will be so much better.
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