
Am I an anomoly?

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I believe that belief in God/Jesus, science, philosophy and politicians can all work in tandem for the benefit of mankind and the world...if they just chose to do it....instead of using up precious time and energies in butting heads...does that make me a fool, gauche, optimistic, logical ... or way out there...ain't never coming back to Earth?




  1. no

    i have similar beliefs.

    Its just many ppl cant see beyond needing to prove their own opinions right.

  2. HI Pami,  They can butt their head for as long as they need to, but your still be an anonymous to me darling.   Best wishes,  Peter

  3. no i quite agree with you   blue

  4. We all are anomalies. Special and unique.

  5. No, but 'Wishful Thinking' doesn't necessarily mean that everyone's point of view is accurate!

  6. an anomaly? nah! there are many ppl that wish for the same thing. however, try wishing in one hand and shitting in the other and see which gets filled first. therefore, I would say naive and impractical more than anything. for every action there is an equal and opposing reaction, and viewpoints of all different perspectives must be out there to maintain balance in the world; to acquiesce to beliefs that are incompatible with one's one shows a certain degree of imprudence of conviction and insincerity of belief.

  7. Optimist but illogical

  8. never coming back till you realize that these money grabbin thugs up there need to be put in there place

  9. I believe most folks believe the salad version of life.  

    You just have more sense and personal awareness than many!

  10. It seems that science should be open to possiblities but there seems to definite close doors.  They figured out how to get around gravity to get to the moon.  I don't know why they hadn't figured a close door can be gotten around in other areas as well.
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