I grew up a spoiled only child that never lifted a finger as far as cleaning house goes. Now I lack self-discipline. So I have been asking my oldest 2 kids, ages 7 and 5, do chores. Here is the chore list.
They do these together.
-hang their laundry in their closet. (that I already have on hangers)
-spend 15 minutes straightening their room
-set the dinner table
My oldest has 2 extra chores
-sort and put up clean spoons and forks
-make his bed when I have washed his bedding
My husband and I think this is fine. We don't yell at them when they don't do it, they just don't get any extra privileges. But my mother and a few others think its silly and we should let them be kids. I have had enough criticism over it I am starting to doubt myself. But they like to help out, and my oldest says it makes him feel like an adult. Am I asking too much of my kids?