
Am I at a good weight?

by Guest64542  |  earlier

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I am 5'7" and I weigh 145 pounds. I am 14 years old. I fit into jean size ranging from 5-7. Is this okay? Do you have any tips on how to lose weight for my age? and what would be a good weight for me to be?




  1. You are still young to think about dieting. And I think you look perfect for your height.

  2. Don't worry, your fine. You seem to be at a normal weight!

    If you want to lose a few pounds, you could just limit what you eat, don't eat a lot of junk foods, and exercise everyday! I would recommend wii fit, if you have a wii, because its a lot of fun, and it helps you lose weight. good luck (:

  3. I would say you are at a decent weight. You shouldn't worry about it you are just changing at your age. If you are worried about it i recommend joining a sport, this will help you with exercise and just watch the amount of sweets you are eating. When I was your age I always went for a run/walk when I got home from school, maybe half a mile Monday, Wednesday, Friday and mix it up with some jump roping. I also did the seventeen magazine workouts when I was tired of boring runs but some of the articles in there might not be age appropriate for you.

  4. Your ideal weight would be 135 lbs so below 115 lbs could be regarded as underweight and above 155 lbs could be regarded as overweight.  Your weight is OK.  
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