
Am I at fault for hitting a brick on the freeway?

by  |  earlier

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I was driving on the freeway at midnight. Since I live in LA there was still some traffic. I wanted to change lanes so I looked in my mirror and glanced over my shoulder. When I looked forward again I saw a brick in my lane and was unable to react in time.

Am I at fault? My insurance company is indicating that I am.




  1. I dont think so  since how did the brick get there in the first place?

    we know it it didn't get there by it self, You might want to check with

    Caltrans or the CHP (not 911!) and ask them if anyone reported

    a foreign object *ie the brick) they should have a record of that call

    if you can find that record  you should proved not at fault

    (I assume the brick either fell of a truck or it was thrown from overpass)

    (which is illegal)


  2. If your insurance provider says it is your fault, it must be, for we all know, Insurance Companies rules and regulations, trump common sense.

  3. Yep. You weren't paying attention.

  4. Yours

  5. Yes, its your fault......

  6. Yep you are the reason that brick hit your car.  A driver is suppose to be watching every foot he/she drives down the road.  You were suppose to look ahead and clear the distance you would travel while your head was turned.

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