
Am I bad person for this?

by  |  earlier

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I saw a midget smoking and I laughed.




  1. How would you feel if a giant laughed at you.

  2. It was a little rude, btu as long as he didn't hear you you're fine. Your not a bad person cause something made you laugh. Everyone laughs at in approriate things every now and than. It's human nature.

  3. no your not. midgets are soo cute!

  4. Well, I think that calling them a midget counts for being un-p.c.  They should be referred to as "little people" but I'm not sure how offended they would get about it.  But, I will say, that if I saw a little person smoking I would probably giggle to myself since I've never seen it before... so no, you're not a bad person.

  5. you are only a bad person if you made them feel bad. i can kind of see the humor. midget jokes are hilarious. still slightly un pc so lets pretend i did not say that.

  6. midgets ALWAYS make me laugh...except for the Mini-Me s*x tape...that made me slightly ill...but yeah, you're okay.

    Midgets are gods' way of making us laugh!!

  7. Their human just like you and I. But since you laughed that makes you less of a human. I'd date a midget girl in a heart beat. =)

  8. Yes.  You're headed straight to h**l.  :-\

    Heh, I don't know.  Did he/she know you were laughing at them?  Did you point and specifically mock?

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