...Sorry if you get this questions often, but I am very confused and am on the verge of giving up hopes on the possibility that I can still be pregnant.
My LMP was 6/4/08 and assumed with my irregular periods, that it would come by 7/9/08 or 7/10/08, (my periods tend to be about 33days long, give or take a day or two), anyhow after no period came, I thought I could be pregnant.
I tested with 2 HPT and one Blood test which all turned out NEGAVTIVE... I thought ok, I am not pregnant... then a few days later I began spotting very lightly not even enough for a pantyliner for like 3days, and is now completely gone.
The only times I had intercourse since my LMP was June 23rd, 24th, and 30th. Is it possible that I ovulated later than I thought and am just now experiencing implantation??
Should I even retest or keep trying?
This would be baby #2 and didn't think this pregnancy would be very different.