I think spiders are pretty cool, so maybe I'm not sensitive enough to people who are really afraid of them. The "spiders" normally are daddy long legs (who for the purpose of this conversation count as spiders) or ittle ones. It'd be different with a wolf spider. Conversations with my campers go something like this:
Her :I can't go in my tent, there's a spider!
Me: Oh well, guess you'll have to sleep outside.
her: there's a spider, can you get it out?!?!
Me: no.
I mean, come on, we share the woods with spiders. they'll just chill and do their thing and you'll see them around no matter what if you're outside. During the day I try to get as many people playing (respectfully) with bugs as possible so they wig out as little as possible later. I feel that if I don't let girl and spider duke it out personally, I'll be on patrol extracting all sorts of bugs all night.