
Am I being bossy? ???

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Okay, my mother and i just got in a huge argument because she said I was being bossy and I always want my way. Here's what happened: my mom needed to turn in my lil sis report card t o a school she was trying to get her in. She is busy at her daycare so i offered to take it for her. then she said to ask the office people to make a copy of it, thats when I suggested we just make a copy at home so in case they dont want to do it. my mom said that we dont have long paper for that (it was a long report card type), so i said she can just do half and half. so she walks to the printer and starts making a copy and says "are you happy, you won?" and I was like what? And says, has anyone ever told you your bossy and you wont stop until you get your way?

So i was all "woah woah, this isnt even being bossy". And it excalated from there and she started telling all kinds off things that were "my problems".

oh, and another thing she brought up for her case was when we went to jcpenney. i drove us there because i wanted to buy some jeans for school. previously that day she shopped for some clothes for my lil sis and ran out of cash. i asked if she bought something here if she would put it on her card, she said no, she cant. so i thought we were just there for me and it would be quick. so we were there about to go in the junior section when she said "okay, see you later" and i was like "no" she did not have a cell phone and usually we lose eachother for hours. I didnt want that so i said just come with me and i explained why, plus she said she wouldnt buy anything. then she started yelling saying she can do whatever she d**n wants. I said fine. and we went our seperate ways. well i was done in like 5 min. then i had to go find her. i was walking around for like a half hour looking for her(proving my point on why we should stick together).

So yeah, apparently I'm "bossy" and she is pissed.

theres a lot of drama in my house all the time, mostly from little things like this.

so do you think Im bossy?




  1. jeez dejavue. Ive had this problem so many times before! basically you just are more outspoken about what you think. the copier part. wow that's insane. but from instances like that in my household it was because of a bigger thing that happened before hand (weather it be another more upsetting fight or that its just because my mom or dad is stressed from work idk) and they just are looking for something else to fight about. just like how we would do that with our friends sometimes you dig in the past to keep the argument going. well my advice for you is just be the bigger person and say "OK i don't think that that was being bossy i just suggesting another way and if you really disagree that much tell me." you have to be open to other ways too right? and even if you really are right sometimes they are just so set on one thing or just so upset you've gotta let it go. because there's a time and a place for mindless fighting about how to copy a piece of paper and that's not it.

    other half:: that's kinda insane not gonna lie! what you were saying totally makes sense!! and its not even a matter of you being bossy. i don't see why your mom would be that way. maybe the way you went about telling her to stay wasn't what she cared for but it really did make sense! so just work on suggesting your ways in a different matter depending on the persons mood. its all about reading people ya know? and this may be coming from one bossy person to another. but some people really do over react. sometimes because your their child and they don't want to admit your right and they're wrong. my dad is that way ALL the time. its just a sitch you gotta deal with. there's still ways you can get your way (not in a bossy or selfish way i just don't know how else to express that) without pissing the other person off. and it totally sucks if your outspoken like me and as you seem to be but you have to learn to read people well before you can approach them. sometimes parents (especially) will be harsh about one thing that isn't to theyre liking when it comes to attitude and things because its hard for them to realize that you arn't just like them and they think your just a kid or your just a teenage you can't feel that way yet. but what can you do?.... i just try to act more mature like that around them normally and they now understand that im on a little higher level than they think. have a convo with them and explain whats bugging you and how you think it could be fixed but make sure they are in a good mood so they don't think you're being "bossy" again.  

  2. No.  I don't think that's bossy at all.  However, what you're describing is pretty normal family stuff.  Every family gets in silly arguments every now and then.  You should be grateful you guys are not fighting over more serious problems.

  3. I think your Mom is stressed and maybe having a few financial difficulties she may not want to inform you of.

    I always tell my kids to make sure they pick their battles because everything does not have to be a fight.

    No I don't think your bossy but I do think that you may becoming off wrong to your already stressed mom and what you think is helping with suggestions is coming off like your telling her what to do.

    Try thinking of her before you suggest. Is she relaxed ? Am I just butting in? Is this really worth a rowe with Mom?


  4. Sounds like you were just trying to help out and thought ahead with the report card thing.

    The second thing though, I wouldn't have walked around looking for her,I would have said ,just meet me  at such n such place when you are through" or had her paged.

  5. you definitely do not sound bossy! i think shes just a) has her period b) is having problems with your dad or her spouse and taking it out on you i think the only thing you can really do is talk to her calmly for awhile just so you dont get punished =]
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