
Am I being childish?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my former friend, Nico, can't stand each other.

When we're together we do nothing but, but heads.

I've tried to resolve our conflict, but he ended it with calling me a childish bee-otch.

Now every time I'm over at my BFF's house he'll come over. And I want to stay as far away from him as possible, so I leave.

And tonight, a group of my friends wanted me to go drinking with them, but the only place they could find to drink was Nico's, so I declined and left for home. And all Nico had to say to that was that I was being childish yet again.

Am I being childish?




  1. No u r not that happens 2 me a lot sometimes

  2. Nico has a crush on you and he's way too immature to go about that in any reasonable way.

    It sounds like you're too young to drink. Stop that.

  3. no nico is being a brat tell ur other friends how you feel

  4. he's really bothered by you or he wants to be your friend and knows he blew it with you.

    hes the childish one. not you.

    you need to tell him that u dont appreciate it and that he needs to stop. if he doesnt, then completely ignore him

    dont make any reaction to him

    if you leave, then he'll know that he has effect on you.

  5. No. Nico is the childish one because he keeps talking about you calling you names.

  6. Not at all.. if you can't be around each other then its a good decision to avoid him.. sounds to me like you are a lot more grown up then he is

  7. If he's over it, yea.

    If not, then he's running out of names to call you.
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