
Am I being childish (read everything)?

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I just recently turned 15 and I got a call from my friend Alice wishing me happy birthday and she is friends with my ex-gf but also with me even though me and my ex gf hate each other, saying that my ex gf wished me happy birthday too. My response to that was “why do I care what she said?” and then Alice told me that we were both acting like children and I simply told her that I just want to forget about my ex and never talk about her or to her again, so we dropped the subject and talked about the new batman movie

So this is what happened, 5 moths ago around early mid February I started dating this girl and things were going great until about 10 days before the break up when she started acting more distant and was very keen on hanging out with this senor who had been her friend for a few months, she told me that it was nothing and she was helping him go through and emotional time (he’s a creepy socially awkward freak the not only dates freshman but AIMS for freshman) well me being an over trusting pacifist new he already had a GF so I figured that things would be back to normal soon.

Then at our Semi (April 11) things were going good and then she started avoiding me and then eventually I just went up to her and demanded that she tell me what was going on and that’s when I got dumped, we didn’t talk at all to each other for the rest of the evening and she was sending her friends to tell me stuff (I would have been more than willing to talk to her peacefully in person) and then my other friend Hannah, told me that she now loved me as a brother and that it wasn’t she liked anyone else,

so the next day I get an email from her saying that she’s sorry her feelings changed, blames the break up on astrology and she really wants to be friends and have me date her best friend who has a crush on me (I was aware she had a crush on me, it was resolved with, and I read this knowing the astrology part was bull c**p) so I read this got a little ticked but was still confused of what was going on, she was on a school band trip to New York city for the day so I couldn’t talk to her, then a I got a call from Alice who decided to try and comfort me, so we discussed what happened and I found from her that she actually had developed a crush on the creepy senor kid and that this had happened like 10 days prior. So the end of the day I get another email from my ex saying that it was true about the crush, she was sorry she feelings changed, and wants me to date her friend. Now my brain is able to figure out stuff like crazy on the unconscious level (I’m pretty smart ) and I was able to trace back all her actions and figure out how and why she acts the way she does, so all of a sudden my head explodes with information. Now I’m also in the anger part of the break up, Also while on the trip the creepy senor calls me to ask how I’m doing saying that she isn’t around and he’s doing this on his own (I have a gut feel she’s their and it turned out to be true),

now I’m a pacifist but this email just ticked me off so much that I wrote this giant hate email that was complete truth by the way, I can justify every word I used, calling her a manipulative, spoiled, lying B!%&h and that I never want to talk to her again, so then I get another call from Alice saying that my ex is now in tears and told me I should call her. So I call her and I’m feeling remorse now cuz I hurt some one and then I’m in the numbing stage, I say I’m sorry and she doesn’t forgive me and she might but for now she’s very angry at me. So I’m feeling bad and I emailed her asking to talk after I’m done with the emotional roller coaster and she reply saying I can talk if I want but she won’t guarantee that she will listen

so the next day we are setting at the same table for lunch just avoiding each other, and this goes on until Friday, now it’s a diffret lunch so I’m at the table with only my guy friends and so my friend Nate is there, and he’s my exes cousin but they hate each other and he’s really good friends with me, so the creepy senor kid is sitting with us moping and complaining because he was forced to break up with his Gf when his parents thought they were being inappropriate (they weren’t, this kid doesn’t have the guts to do anything bad) so he was asking people what to do (I became friends with most off my exes friends and still am) most said that he should date her in secret but my ex automatically tells him to break up, so he does that, but at our table, (I’m trying to help him because even though he;s a freak he still needs some help here) so Nate comes over and starts the subject on my ex is a b!&^c. and then my ex sees us talking and is considering sending Hannah over to find out what’s going on, (Hannah told me in class about that) she didn’t come over, so then my ex asks the senor what’s was happing and she finds out what we said, so I get this hate email saying she hates me, so I reply back saying why are you talking to me, I will protect that creepy senor from you and call her a bit(h so then I got this massive hate email saying ‘DIE” and that she hates me, claiming that she never lied to me and is not manipulative in anyway. I know this is bull c**p but I know that she wants and argument and cuz I wanted to be the better person here decided to just ignore her, for get her and never talk to her again, but in the back of my mind I know that it is unwise just to forget everything and turn my back so I’m always sure to keep an eye on what’s going on with my ex (I would talk to Hannah)

so Hannah tells me after the 1 week break that their now dating and she’s very ticked off at my ex and sees me as a better friend than her, now my suspicion that this wasn’t over with proved true as I could tell from the dirty looks from her everyday in Chinese that I see out of the corner of my eye and the intentional coughing on me walking back from the computer lab (I didn’t get sick cuz I run ) so about a month after their dating her friend Alice kisses the freaky senor, they start dating and my ex gets dumped (essentially that and some other stuff she got was a concentrated dose of everything she did to me and others) Now I end up noticing more dirty looks in Chinese and my friends Nate and Hannah assumes that she would blame all this on me cuz I was the first boy friend (easy scapegoat). So now my ex wants to break up her friend and the creepy senior so she starts making up rumors and c**p(about alice and other people), nobody believes her, then eventually Alice dumps the creepy senor but he’s convinced that he’s in love with her (freaks=ex and senior)

so anyways back to the present, I just want to forget her, him, all of this c**p cuz I hate drama so much and just get on with my life while still having friendships, now I still haven’t talked to my ex and I just want to forget her like I have since the break up, and I did until Alice brought this up so I can forget this by getting this off my chest of by making sure that I was not acting like a child and make things right if I was (one of the lesions, I learned form this, “You must forgive and forget but always remember”) if you think you’ll get it, so anyhow, yeah, also if you want to contact me my email is (I don’t know how to use my yahoo one) and did anyone else see dark knight?

Ps, don’t ask me how, but I’m not a stalker but for some reason I never forget anything that I experience, and my brain works very strangly.

also I replaced the names with fake ones, and did anyone else see the new batman movie




  1. get over it your only 15 , just date who ever you want and who cares about the politics of school.

  2. give me five days to read


    Ok. I have to be honest:

    -that's a hella lot of drama!

    -i got really lost!

    -you sound like you are being a reasonable person, not childish


  3. to much to read my eyes are tired from just looking at that.

  4. You're being a male. Her feelings changed. Yours didn't. Move on. There are other girls who will like you. It is not worth spending your time and energy on her. 8~)

  5. whoa im not gonna read all that

    cut it down smaller

    make a book or something

  6. write a novel for heavens sake!

    I couldn't get more than 5 lines into this and then noticed how long it was.

    I will say if you have to ask if you are being childish, then you most certainly are.

  7. AHHH MY EYES!Way too much writing fella.Anyways.




  8. Yes, you're being childish.  VERY childish.

  9. holy macaroni thats long! but yes i did see the dark knight its awesome. the best movieee.



  10. OH My God . You made history on the most writing on gonna give this a star

    I hope u don't think anybody is gonna read that

    I agree wit the other answer if you have to ask them u are

  11. Omg..... this is soo my last answer! Idk how I read that all on my sidekick (letters are tiny) well anyways, I don't think ur being childish. U have your reasons. And yeah I saw dark knight.. Great movie.. Next time just write a lil less. :)

  12. how did u write all that? it gives u an amout that u can't write more than! WOW! sorry but im not reading all that!

  13. Lol i love how you end up talkin about your drama and talk about the movies .

    Thats so funny.

    No your not childish, in my opinion, the one who is being childish is you ex.

    Just dont worry about your X anymore.Think of her as a stranger.She seems offence, and besides your just 15 theres more girls out there.

    Oh and I havn't seen dark night or the batman movie i guess ill go see it someday.

    PS - This was loooong lol I have never read something so looong not even in school hehe.I should really pay more attention in school -__-

  14. i cant read im sorry

  15. wow im sorry but thats way to long for me to read i doubt alot of people will read all of it

  16. your nuts, I'm not reading all of that. Get a journal.

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