
Am I being mean, or is it time to ditch my embarrassing & immature friends (long story)?

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Tonight I was so embarrassed. We went to a concert & I kind of knew 1 of the bands through my brother. I have a really big crush on 1 of the guys & we were supposed to hang out after the show so I was really excited. My girl friends convinced me to take them so they could also meet the bands. Well my friends decided to get really drunk in the parking lot before the show. (We are all 22 by the way). We were right next to the tour buses & 1 of my friends just got out of our car and peed in the parking lot w/people in it! Cars started honking& I tried to stop her, but she wouldn't listen.

Then my friends wanted me to introduce them to the band I know. I refused @ that point so they just found a random band member & ran up to him screaming his name & falling over. He was really freaked out but tried to act polite. Then my friends started yelling @ him because he didn't want to get drunk w/them before the show. At first he was being nice about it, but you could tell that he wasn't impressed at all. The whole time I was standing there mortified.

Next, we tried to get in the actual concert & they wouldn't let my 1 friend in because she was so drunk. So my other friend started yelling @ the security guards & tried to sneak in through the back & security had to tackle her. The whole time the bands were watching this scene & looking disguisted. I kept apologizing for my friends, but it didn't matter because I was w/them & it looked bad. After a while they finally let us in. My friend fell on the floor & the other 1 ran up to my crush from the band, grabbed his butt & screamed "here's your lover! Introduce me!" & took a pic with him. He looked scared. He said hi to me though & I cringed.

My friends were acting terrible but surprisling they still asked me to hang out after the concert. Then my friend decided to wander into another tour bus of people we didn't know, got into a fight w/ the band member because he "was too stuck up" even though he was nothing but polite w/the way she was acting. Afterall, she was a drunk stranger that just went on his tour bus... My other friend kept stalking 1 of the guys & running after him yelling his name. The other guys just flat out ignored them & wouldn't even acknoldge them. My crush fled the scene @ this point & tried to avoid my friends the rest of the night (he even hid in a car & reclined the seat). I didn't even want to try to explain myself to him anymore & I was so embarrassed that I just left. I was reluctant to go w/these friends because sometimes they can be rude, but this was worse than any other time I have spent time with them. I am so upset I just want to hide somewhere!! They made me look crazy & my brother has another show coming up w/them soon. How can I try to fix this situation? It was so much worse then it even sounds...Right now, I never want to see any of those people again!




  1. I would drop them gradually. People like those you don't need in your life. They are a total embarrassment. Don't even try to "fix it". Just drop them.............GRADUALLY so that they won't even notice.  

  2. oh my god..sounds like youve got yourself a problem,

    if i were you, id tell my friends how embarassed they made me and

    express what i think but try to get them to calm down but dont go over the line having them think im a freak ******

    also talk about how theyre lucky enough to even get near the concert if it wasnt for you and that they kinda let you down and tell them to behave sorta, and not to act like paris hilton with 15 shots of tequila or they might never get to meet a rock band member in person ever again

    either that or ditch them and take your boyfriend :P

  3. sorry i didn't really read the whole story i just kinda scanned, but judging by the sound of it, you probably should get friends that don't get drunk and act crazy. if you are mature enough to realize that your friends are acting immature, then get some new friends who are on your level. and don't be like i don't want to be friends anymore, just gradually move apart and move into a different group

  4. I agree with Katy. Just find a new group. It will be hard though. I've been in a very similar situation when my "friends" also got drunk and became very embarrassing and starting chasing random guys around a club when we were supposed to be there for a girls night out. i got so annoyed. I told them to their face about a week later that I was very pissed off with them. That was easy to do because when they asked, "so did you have a good night?" I was able to say, "Well actually No because.....". They couldn't see my point of view and in the end we drifted anyway. If they were real friends they would apologise to you and see how dumb they were. So basically they can't be that good of friends to start with because otherwise they wouldn't have treated you that way and would have considered your feelings. Drop them.  

  5. get new friends, go to the concert with more reserved friends ( don't  have any? ) go by yourself... If you are trying to impress someone its best to go with your friends who fit your personality...  The mindset of the onlooker is "you are who you hang out with"  

  6. It's not mean. If you want to ditch them you should.

  7. Inexcusable. Ditch their lame *sses and make better friends that won't hurt your image as well as their own.

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