
Am I being out of line....?

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Ok in february i was hanging out with my cousin who i lived with that became like my siste, my ex, who i still kinda had feelings for, and my current BF that i had been dating for three weeks and was also my best friends ex, at my ex's house. we were all having a good time until my ex said he hadnt talked to my cousin in a while and wanted to talk to her alone to catch up. my bf and i lef the room for a few but i left my phone so i went back and walked in on her l*****g his stomach. i left and my cousin came after me and talked to me for thirty minutes and swore on her life she wouldnt do anything with him, about twenty minute later i walked in rite as they finished having meaningless unprotected s*x. i had never been more hurt EVER. i forgave him cuz he was drunk, and he felt so bad he actually wound up cutting himself pretty bad for stabbing me in the back, and we're actually really good friends again, but for some reason i still really hate my cousin cuz she never admitted it or apologized so i keep making her pay by stabbing her in the back by telling her mom all the illegal things she does, now she's getting locked up for three months and its cuz i told on her and it stll doesnt feel like enuff, im over my ex, im still with this great guy i love, and for some reason i cant get over what they did, and i still hate her so much, am i being out of line....?




  1. Firstly you should be mad with your cousin because she betrayed you and that was very wrong. However that means that should not talk to her again or be decent with her not get revenge and tell her parents things or anything cruel. its just plain vindictive and by doing that you are just as bad as your cousin( worse by the looks of things)

    Im not saying forgive her but don't stoop to her level.

  2. You are asking because something don't feel right. You can be angry at someone but don't do things you'll regret later.

  3. Walk away from both of them. He is not this great guy you think he is, honey. Do for yourself. Move out of there and move on when you can. Sounds like she makes her own revenge with her messed up life. Find better people to put in your life.  

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