
Am I being paranoid for not wanting to throw my 32 inch LCD TV box away?

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Will the neighbors see this box and become jealous and lash out against me and seek revenge?




  1. LCD and Plasma televisions used to indicate a persons "wealth".

    However, these days pretty much anyone buying or replacing a TV is getting an LCD or Plasma.

    I doubt anyone will think you're rich enough to rob.

  2. LOL, I thought I was the only one.

    When I bought my first 50 inch plasma, I backed my car into the garage so no one would see me unload the TV and my new surround sound system.  My friend who helped me install it lived in an apartment at the time, so when we were finished, we loaded the broken down boxes into his car and he disposed of them at the dumpster in his complex.

    When I bought my 32 inch LCD, I just broke down the box and disposed of it in the trash can.  

    If you are that paranoid, take it to a random apartment complex or business dumpster.  Do it at night.  No one will even notice

  3. My boyfriend bought a computer, got it delivered and the next day he got burgled!! The Bas***ds!! I don't think its your neighbours that you've got to worry about. Its opportunists!!  Cut down one side and fold it so its just plain on the outside and squeeze it into the recycling bin or if you are that worried break it up and put it in a bin liner!!

  4. It is not being paranoid...... it is smart thinking no matter what kind of neighborhood you live in. Someone could break in for only a 32" TV. As others said you rip up the box and hid it in other trash.

    It is the same as bills. You rip them up and put diferent parts in different bags. Not paranoid as I actually know a guy who had his identity stolen by someone who stole his trash.  

  5. Do you live in a shady neighborhood?

    They probably won't get jealous of a 32'. Maybe if you had a 50'.

  6. Why would they be jealous? Its not a big tv.  Just throw it out or burn it.

  7. Wht u can do is , u just break that cardboard box to pieces and just spoil it when u throw it people will think u ahd sum kind of cleaning up of u'r house and shut their for the labels and id on it...plse scrape off the sheet which has details on it if it's on the box..good luck!

  8. Well first and foremost, why are you keeping it?  Any special reason?

    If you're just a packrat, you need to write down everything important from the box, e.g. serial numbers, phone numbers, etc.   Also make sure you've removed all manuals and then just throw it out.  That way you don't have to worry about any consequences of throwing it out.  If you're just keeping it as a prize then that's a real issue because that would be pretty materialistic of you.  Finally, if this question is a joke then, "ha-ha".

  9. I use the Richard Nixon approach (teenagers he was one of your former presidents) I shred and burn everything.

  10. YES your neighbors will become insanely jealous. Do NOT let this box be seen, lest ye face the consequences. There are several things you could do:

    Option 1: Cover the box in blankets, use this as your new bed. It'll be cramped, and you can't have a girl over, but at least you'll sleep sound and secure.

    Option 2: Change the shipping label to note a neighbor's address down the block. Also write "Not *your name*'s Gorgeous new TV," just to be extra safe.

    Option 3: Eat the box.

    Option 4: Give me your address, and leave a key for me under the doormat. I will make sure the tv is safe and the box is removed discreetly.  

  11. I don't think your neighbours would be jealous - after all who is to say that they don't have a 50 inch LCD or Plasma in their house.  Most households have LCD's or Plasma's these days.

    You are right to be cautious about throwing the box out.  A discarded box can alert would-be thieves to a potential item to steal.  Why not break the box down, cut it open and then fold it so that the inside is showing outside - thereby concealing the logo.  You could then take it straight to a recycling bin.

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