
Am I being picky or is it getting more underwhelming?

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Are the camera positions and editing getting less and less imaginative as every year goes by?




  1. Hmmm... there have been some good ones that seem to have disappeared... some of the onboard cameras have gone to leave only the cockpit view... and the outboard cameras do pretty much present the action as it is... which is good.. but yeah maybe the internal director from FOA should be a bit more adventurous and the teams should maybe allow some more cameras and such on the car

    The telemetry and such that they provide is great though...

  2. No, I think they need more trackside cameras like they used to have, and less fancy in car shots. Why the need to innovate all the time? People were drawn to F1 before it was even ON tv, and they were drawn to it with just a couple of cameras at a couple of just don't need all the extra rubbish.

  3. I agree.  More in-car shots please!

  4. .

    Tilly Tilly Tilly!!

    You're right, it's becoming less and less imaginative. I love on-board stuff personally, but I think they should not have cameras pointlessly missing action because someone's countryman has decided to circumnavigate the track at 2,450 revs, a la Alonso, last week.

    I think

    1) a compression cam at Eau Rouge would work

    2) an illegal cam at Stinkypore, checking for unflushed toilets, pre-race

    3) a bling cam for those of us that feel that F1 fans are drawn to F1 due to some strange misconception


  5. Yes, I remember ages ago when you used to get a front shot of the drivers helmet. They should re-introduce those, and make the visors clear.

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