
Am I being played by this man?

by  |  earlier

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I am having a sexual relationship only with a man. We've been together twice only for s*x. He asked to get together with me today and told me that he would call me when he was on the way to my place. Well, he haven't called or responded to my call or text messages. Do you think he's playing me? Earlier today, he texted me and we talked so I don't know what's going on now.




  1. Maybe his cell died or he's just busy. But, like you I would be suspicious. Have you tried calling his house phone? I think I would cut off this s*x only relationship. Someone always ends up getting hurt. Plus, there's so many STD's out there. You could always go over and talk to him in person, but please be careful.

    Good luck and God Bless!

  2. maybe he is cheating on u

  3. he's playing you. =[

  4. He probably doesn't view your relationship as a serious one. Therefore, he's probably doing the exact same thing with another girl/girls. Either get him to commit, or dump him.

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