
Am I being prude/being goody goody?

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I am 15 right now (16 in August). I have never used a controlled substance (including pot). I have never drank without my parents present (just sips of wine ocasional sip of beer at dinner). I have never hosted or gone to an unsupervised party. I plan to abstain until mariage including oral s*x. I have never been in trouble with the police.

The reason why I am asking this Is I went to a summer camp where almost everyone (11 out of 16 kids) had broken some law (some shoplifted on the trip) used controlled substances, ingaged in s*x. These kids were 15-17. Am I weird, I thought I was normal but this camp made me question it.




  1. You're not weird at all.  It sounds like you've got a great head on your shoulders and have been well-parented.  Kudos to you for knowing what you want and setting goals for yourself!

  2. You can say whatever you want about my opinion because I am mormon, but I really think you are living a very decent life the way it is supposed to be. haha, living in hawaii, it's almost surprising to hear of a good sixteen year old girl.

  3. NOOOO.

    keep your innocence as long as you can.

    i think it's awesome you've done that.

    it's something to be proud of.

    keep it up.

  4. No, you are stronger then most teenagers. You have made important decisions about your life and are sticking to them. My best friend made those same decisions and has never regretted them. She met her husband at 15 they dated until they were 24 and got married. They made the decision to wait until they were married to be intimate and they both believe it was one of the best decisions they ever made. I only wish I had made the same decisions she had made, like you. She also never drank until she was of age or did anything else but she still knew how to have a good time. Good luck.

  5. You're doing great, keep up the good work.  I'm 19 and haven't done any of those things either, and I also believe in abstinence until marriage.   Most of my friends have done at least 2 of the things listed above, and many of them regret some of the things, and they respect the fact that i do not do those things.  Keep up the good work, and never let any one pressure you into doing things you know are wrong.  You completely normal, they are not.  It isn't normal to do bad things, it is normal to do your best each day and set good standards for yourself and try to live up to them the best you can.

  6. It's not weird at all. I know the feeling though, because I get it a lot, too. Don't think it's weird to have good morals, because it's not.

  7. good for you! stay strong and be proud that you are different from everyone else. it is harder to be a "goody goody" than to be like the rest of your peers, but in the end it will save you from a lot of problems.

  8. no not  at all u just have ur head on stright....

    you will make it far in life

  9. Well you're better than most people your age which isn't a bad thing. If by weird you mean that your type of person would be a minority, then you could say that. Teens staying out of trouble is a rare thing these days. I'm about a year older and I used to have a don't knock it until you try it attitude and tried drinking and pot and it got me in a bit of trouble. Lucky for me the law was nice and had me go through a program without putting it on any permanent records. I think you just have some strong morals. Stealing is bad and there is no need to go out and get drunk and high it's overrated and being read your rights isn't fun. The no s*x until marriage is away from what I'd go for I think it's fine as long as you're safe but I respect you for being strong willed enough to go through with it. Good luck and good job for staying out of trouble

  10. I think you are doing wonderful and are being VERY mature.

    I would be proud and glad to have a daughter like you. Who cares about those other kids, you are the one who is doing good. Keep on going how you are.

    I hope my daughter has the maturity at 15 that you have now.

  11. Theres no crime for being good.

    I'm the same way. Most of my friends get in trouble everyday at school. Sometimes they try to make me do some of the things they do. All I do is refuse and be my own " goody-goody" self.

  12. NOOO!!! I am exactly the same. Except I am 15 in August. Same with my sister and all her friends who are all 16. It is not a bad thing, actually, you will probably thank yourself later. You may catch up with these people later in life and see that you had a much better time then they did becase you didn't do those things. It is a good thing because the first time you have s*x will be special to you. And you will actually remember it unlike most of these kids. Leave it this way.

    Hope I helped!!

  13. You did the right thing to NOT do are at a hard age and for you to not give into any type of peer pressure shows that you are the mature one and you know the difference between right and wrong--good for you and keep it up!

  14. nope your just normal! Keep it up there arent many of us good kids anymore!

  15. I was the exact same way you are now when I was your age, and my friends were the opposite (now THAT was hard -- having true friends, but always doing the opposite of what they were doing).

    Now, we are all in our late 20's. They are still doing those same things (drinking, drugs, stealing, random relationships, etc.) I on the other hand have a college degree, an amazing career, been married 3 years this August, and have the cutest little 4 month old baby girl on the planet snoring her Huggie-d behind away in her own bedroom in our house upstairs.  

    Its all about priorities. If you consider what I just described a 'good life' then you have to do certain things. If you want good life, you have to live a good life.

  16. When I was 15 I was the same as what your doing. Same when I was 16. To this day, now I'm 17 I haven't done any of what you say (Except for drinking alcohol occassionally). Personally sometimes I wonder when I hear my fellow students speak if they actually really did this stuff or their just making it up to sound cool. I mean anyone can make up anything to be cool.

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