
Am I being selfish or unreasonable

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My son is 3 months old. I work as a school bus driver and I take him with me. I take care of him all day he wakes up at 4am and goes to bed at 8pm. I live with my boyfriend and he works 10 hours a day and comes home and cooks and cleans and does alot around the house. But when he get home...or at some point after I NEED a break, even if it's just 5 minutes to myself. I don't want to have to clean for my 5 minutes I want to relax he gets to relax while I take care of the baby. I get mad because he leaves all the baby care up to me and I have to practically beg him to watch our son for 5 minutes. Am I just being selfish




  1. You are not being unreasonable. You watch him all day he can atleast watch him for five minutes. Just because he cooks and cleans around the house doesn't mean he is excused from taking care of his son. Remind him the baby is his son as well.  

  2. no. he should try to realize that just like he worked all day, you worked all day too with the baby by your side. i think he should WANT to have some time with the baby anyway ..  

  3. no  you  not  be ing  selfish

  4. You aren't being selfish at all...his day ends when he gets home from work and cooks and cleans...big deal he's suppose to keep a place he's stayin' at tidy anyway...but your day isn't over when you get home its still goin' with feeding, diaper changin', bathing and other things...He shud watch the baby not even for you but b/c he loves his child...maybe you shud sit down and talk calmly explaining how you feel possibly leave him with the baby on a day he's not working for a few hours jus to prove your point and so that he can actually start being a father...

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