
Am I being silly or are they fine?

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I have two dwarf hamster that I bought at the same time from the same place. They are in the same cage with two of everything. They mostly stay away from eachother but every once in awhile one jumps on the other and the one on the bottom rolls on its back and sqeaks. I'm just wondering are they fighting or playing? Is it safe for me to go to bed or should I stay up and keep on eye on them so no one gets hurt. I just don't want my kids to wake up to one dead hamster and the other one eating it.




  1. Do not keep your hamsters together.  Dwarf hamsters are known for being especially nasty.  Hamsters are solitary animals who need to be kept in separate cages.  They aren't playing.  They are fighting.  Separate them before they seriously injure or kill each other.

  2. unless you start to see blood and hear really bad squeaking all the time they should be fine but if anythin bad happens split them up strait away i am getting 2 russian dwarf hammis soon and i am hoping mine dont kill each other but good luck with your 2 hammies !!!!!!! hope they are just playing =)

  3. trust me they're absolutely playing :)

  4. Unless there's bloodshed, there isn't a problem. Blood is a sign of serious fighting, not playing.

    But what's happening here sounds like a dominance 'battle', as it were. Scent marking each other and saying 'I'm still boss' and the other one saying 'Okay, okay!'

    It's something to keep an eye on, but you can sleep easy- it won't turn to blood shed overnight, but if you ever see wounds or blood, split them up straight away.


    Sleep already!

    It's play fighting/dominance battling, so it shouldn't be an issue. My gerbils do it all the time, and dwarfs do it too.

  5. it is simple the one on the top is showing domanince my rats do it all the time.but if the other one is on top at a differnt time than they are playing

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