My 1 year old daughter was born at 28 weeks and has Chronic Lung Disease. She has been off of oxygen for 6 months. She still receives synagis until the age of 2. Also, when she gets a cold, she gets severely sick and suffers from croup. We ask my family to wash their hands and please not kiss her on the lips. This weekend was my sister's daughters birthday and our daughter was running a fever of 101.5. But we had to go or everyone would have ostracized us for being too overprotective of our preemie. We asked if people could refrain from touching her and we would join the party. There were about 12 kids and their parents at the party. My sister repeatedly kissed her guests hello and then kissed our daughter smack on the lips! When I asked her to just not touch her, she huffed and puffed and claimed "your daughter is just fine". Now my entire family says it is better if we don't join any more family functions. Are we being overprotective? We hate seeing our daughter with croup.