
Am I being unreasonable on Birthday question ?

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Another question related to my upcoming birthday. The other day wife and I were watching tv and saw a ad for one of my favorite resteraunts. Well I mentioned that would be nice for just the two of us to go there for dinner on my birthday. She said no that her plan was to through a big cook out party and invite friends, I replied that it would be nice for just the two of us to have a romantic dinner on my birthday and maybe some other things later in the evening after the romantic dinner. Her replies was that it would be a cook out with friends (when she says friends she means her friends come over not mine) and family. Well the problem with that is some of her friends are not my favorites i am willing to tolerate them but why should i on my birthday and if they come most of mine will not because of how a couple of hers actup when get drunk. I don't think its to much to ask for to have a romantic dinner and maybe s*x with my wife on my birthday rather then some big party that will be mostly her friends and people getting drunk leading to a very unpeasent evening for me.Just a bit of furthur information she had done one of these cook outs a few years ago and was a disaster have to say worst birthday I ever had she had a good time with her friends and I ended up pouring her into bed very drunk. Am I being unreasonable standing my grounding saying that if she wants to have a cookout like that on my birthday I will go somewhere else




  1. it sounds like your wife is the one being unreasonable...and is using your birthday as an excuse throw a party for her friends...if you dont want the party...don't even go to it! tell your family that you weren't interested in a party and just go on your own way...

    I know its kinda childish...but i think you should give your wife a taste of her own medicine...and on her birthday invite the family...and your boys to come over for a party!

  2. honestly, your wife should want what you's your birthday! and if she doesn't understand that...she's just being selfish

  3. Honestly, birthdays should be celebrated for only a few years.

    1-13 years

    18 years

    21 years

    70 year and more.

    Otherwise, it's only a birthday.  So what?  Perhaps pick the day before or after to have a quiet dinner with your wife.  I mean, c'mon.  It's one day of the year.

  4. No its your Birthday. She just using your birthday as an excuse to throw a party with her friends. I would demand there to be no party but to do what you want to do and say for your Birthday we can do the cookout thing but for my birthday I want a nice quiet romantic evening with just you.  

  5. Absolutely not! She's being a controlling *****! Its your d**n birthday and as such should get to spend it whichever way you want!

    I'd go somewhere else too if I was in your shoes.

  6. no its your birthday i think something in the middle should be better there is a cookout but you do the invites OR you go to a resteront on the nite and have a cookout another nite the party doesnt always ave to be on the birthday

  7. nope doesn't sound unreasonable to me especially given the circumstances.  

  8. Ok , you really need to tell your wife absolutely NO. And your not going somewhere else ! That is absurd.

    She is looking for an excuse for a party ! So tell her great ! A couple weeks after your birthday she can have a cook out and you'd be happy to pour her into bed :-) but your birthday your going out to dinner and having your way with her while she coherant :-)

    Happy Birthday !!

  9. NO you're not.She needs to realize that you want some down time with her.Tell her it is not about what she wants but about what you want and need. that it should be you're day.If she doesn't understand find a friend and go out with them.Don't put you're self in to something you're not comfortable with it makes for misery for you in the end and possible a big fight at the end of the night.Let her know the last one sucked and you want a quit night with the one you love and no one else. good luck  

  10. no, you are not being unreasonable. you should get to choose what you want to do on you b-day. if your wife insists on this party, you should get your friends to have a night out with you. i would never do something like this to my hubby. i don't know what your wife is thinking. good luck with whatever you decide to do. i hope you have a good b-day!

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