
Am I better off getting a Blu Ray player or a PS3?

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  1. You can play PS3 games on Blu-rayDisc, thousands of PS1 and PS2 games as well as your CDs and DVDs on the PS3.You can Watch favourite movies on Blu-ray Disc, DVD, CDs or saved/downloaded videos & music in a variety of formats. PS3 system is ready to be connected to the Internet straight away & you can browse web pages & save them on hard disk as you would on a PC from your living room. But on a Blu Ray player you can only watch movies. So, getting PS3 is better & is cheaper than Blu Ray player.

  2. a ps3 you can play games on the ps3 but not on blu ray also i have both and the blu ray i painfull y slow. plus with a ps3 the graphics in games are clear. you should definatly get a ps3- worth your money

  3. The PS3 is the only one that is future proof, the other players have been built before the blu-ray was standardized.  The result is that some new blu-ray movies will not play on players bought recently.

    The PS3 can be updated because it can connect to the internet and get it's own updates

  4. Even if you don't play games the PS3 is the best current Blu-Ray player due to the fact that it is the only player capable of updating to the new profile 2.0 standard. If you wait until the end of the year there should be plenty of profile 2.0 players available other than the PS3, but if you're buying now then the PS3 is the way to go.

  5. Some Blu Ray players range in the 300 up to 1000 dollar range. And you only pay for viewing movies. I advice you to get the PS3 since you can watch movies AND play games. Plus you can do other stuff with it like browse the web. So you get more features for the money. Now thats smart shopping!

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