
Am I bitter because I cling to my Religion or because of Guns?

by Guest33155  |  earlier

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Which one does Barack Obama think it is?

Or it freedom in general?




  1. His comment mentioned that small town people cling to both their religion and guns.  

    This comment is the exact reason Obama will NEVER get my vote.  His comment shows ignorance, racism and disrespect for a whole segment of society. I can't understand why any small town person could forget and forgive and vote Obama.

  2. All of your questions are about Barack Obama.  You seem pretty bitter about something  to me.

  3. I havent checked with Obama, but I doubt its either of those.  I suspect youre bitter because of a bad childhood.

  4. s***w Obama!  He could care less about America and it's people.  Yesterday he said he is embarrassed by Americans and he wished Americans were more like the French.

  5. I think that he thinks it's your antipathy towards those who are not like you.  And because you can't speak French and Spanish.

  6. who knows!  But if he wins we are all screwed!

  7. Well Obama is trying to take your freedom for everything so enjoy your little commie insurrection while you can

  8. You say your favorite leader is Chairman Mao.  Mao said all power comes from the barrel of a gun so I'm guessing it's your second idea.

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