
Am I capable of joining the military if I have smoked marijuana in the past?

by Guest21589  |  earlier

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I got into a car accident 3 years and was perscribed marijuana legally under state law for my neck and back pains. I am now fully recovered and am no longer using marijuana at all, and I really want to join the airforce. Am I still able to join?




  1. Providing you past all the medical and drug tests you will have no problem.

    Why even admit to it if you have stopped doing it?

  2. Yea, just tell your recruiter. They'll take care of it. They let people in who have used it illegally too. You should have no issue.



    It's on his medical record because it was prescribed. If he isn't forth right with it, and they find out, he could get an OTH discharge if they make a big deal out of it.

  3. I did and my use was recreational.  I even came up hot on the first urinalisyst that I took for the MEPs,.  I still got in, but I had to change my job, because failing the test, messed up my eligibility for the other.  If you give them your circumstances you should be fine.

  4. Hi Bill.  First I want to thank you for your desire to serve our country.  It is people like you who keep our country free and protected from our enemies.

    It seems you can be President and have smoked pot so I can't see any reason that your legal use of pot would keep you out of the military.  I wish you the very best in your pursuits.

  5. yes you'll be able to!!! I've smoked over 3000 times but my recruiter said to tell them that ive only done it 25 times and i was able to get into the navy

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