
Am I circumcised.? My question must be twenty characters long so now it is more than 20 characters long.?

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I don't want to ask my parents.

On the wikipedia article on circumcision. I has these 2 pics one circumcised and one not.

Mine looks like the un erect circumcised one. and the non circumcised one has this little thing holding the sking on the shaft close to the bottom of the head. Mine does not have that.

The skin does sit under the head. but it can go over the head about half way. It can not cover it unless I force it to.

I also have this scar like thing on the pinkish part that sits under the head. It is semi circular going around the p***s.

Please try to be serious. This is embarresing I wouldn't be asking it if I thought I was either way.

The skin does sit at the base, there is a small scar. But it can also go partially up the head about halfway.




  1. ya u r definatly circumcised bud

  2. It sounds like you are.  I don't know why you don't want to ask your parents but perhaps you can ask a doctor the next time you are alone with one.  I'm sure the physical examination would do better than a simple description.  

  3. sorry you are cut, If you would like to have more pleasure and easier more enjoyable s*x you should do f******n restoration

    I restored my f******n by stretching, the pleasure increases have been great, it's like it was naturally meant to be there, it was well worth the effort

  4. There are drastic circumcisions and there are circumcisions which leave you some skin, and not a total tightness. There is an advantage in the second type which it sounds like U have.

    The advantage is that there is some skin to give way for yur hardon to extend without really tightening the skin on the shaft of the p***s.

    Hope that makes sense for U.

    Me! :- )

  5. It sounds to me that you are circumcised...

    I have 2 nephews who are circumcised and i know that with certain procedures the f******n "grows back" which requires a manual retraction to keep the head uncovered..

    Best bet.. Just ask your parents!!

    No need to be embarrased about it!

  6. It sounds like you are. Is circumcision common in your country? It is quite common in the US but uncommon in Europe and Asia.

  7. id say yes you are...all are done somewhat differently...well at least most are lol. some guys have more of a flab type thing there and others dont. but id guess that you are

  8. If the f******n is covering the head then you are not.  It sounds from your descriptions like you ARE circumsized.  Most men in modern countries are circumsized.

  9. yes you are circumsized

  10. Sounds like you are circumcised. You need to overcome your fear and talk to your father. He will probable appreciate it. Good luck.

  11. It's like a kid asking his parents: "Are you my parents?"

  12. f******n is when skin covers the head of your p***s. Just because you can pull it over the head doesnt mean that your uncircumsized, its like playing dress up. Because your skin cant go over your head unless forced its circumsized. Hope that helps you bud  

  13. First you  have  to  know  yr traditions,If  they  allow  such   an  act,If  not-Rest  assured  you are  not  at  ALL.But if  YES then  consult  your  doctor  for  such  abordamalities.

  14. Sorry it does sound like you are circumcised, though it's good if your skin can still partially go over the head. It's possible you just have a short f******n but from the way you're describing the scar I don't think that's the case. And the little thing sounds like the frenulum so I guess yours was removed.

    There are other pictures online other than Wikipedia if you want to compare more.


  15. You're not.

  16. By your description you are circumcised. That little bit of skin under the head (glans) is called a frenulum. Many cut guys have had their frenulum removed as well as their f******n.

    A flaccid p***s will sometimes want to protect the glans... so it will  retract the glans back into whatever is left of your f******n... this gives you the effect you are talking about where your glans is partly covered sometimes.

    A natural f******n can also be short.. so short that it doesnt cover the glans... but a natural p***s usually has a frenulum intact, whereas yoursdoes not. That's why I think you are circumcised.

    Really, there is no shame in asking your father. We men, generally all have a p***s so there is nothing to be shy about.


  17. you circumcised baby boy

  18. YES !  You are cut !

    You would know it if you had a f******n.  A f******n can cover the head of an errect p***s.  Its a long hood that 80 percent of the time will hang half an inch longer than the tip of the p***s.

    No doubt about it.   While there are certain short f******n types out there, what you describe is a cut one.  Its like a second set of lips around the entire head that can slide up and back.  You would know it if you had it and its not easy to hide.  

    It represents about two thirds of the entire p***s.  Two thirds.  This means if you are 6 inches 3.5 to 4 inches would be f******n.

    Most answers you will get may come from members that are cut themselves.  Since I am not I can share this a little better.

    I rew up where all my friends had one and every single one look about the same.  Its like an elephant trunk on the end and with a bulge up an ich where the head is inside.  

    It protects the head and keeps it sensitive.  when the head dries it becomes much less sensitive.  Today a great deal of guys are going for restoration, and finding out that its much better for them.

    Hope this helps.

  19. yeah, you are

  20. i think you are..

    but ask ur parentss!

    why nott1

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