
Am I contracted into buying a car?? Please Help?

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I went to Nissan two days ago and signed the preliminary paperwork for a 08 Altima. The financing wasn't final. They were still shopping me around to different lenders. Well within the time that I've had to wait to see if I got financed I have realized that I may have not made the best decision for myself with payments and timing of getting a new car. I found out today that I did get financed, but would like to know if I am bound to getting this car if I technically haven't signed a note with a lender yet.




  1. you are free and clear. you dont have any contract with anyone (body)

    My advice is to call them up and cancel the whole idea.

    DO NOT go back to the dealer under any circumstances. If you go back they will talk you into buying the car and signing the papers. You may have that type of personality trait

    If you do go back,,and wind up getting the car you have only yourself to blame.

    IF you left any money on the car as a dowm payment have them mail you a check---or go there with someone elso to get it back--- someone who Knows how to say no.

  2. look at what you signed...but id say you are not required to buy anything....just dont sign anything else without mom or dad there

  3. No, you are not bound to the deal, even had the financing been approved you still were not locked into the deal.

    Don't buy any car, new or used w/o reading up here:

    Also check out, "drive free, retire rich,"

    But, I DISAGREE with Dave Ramsey on putting money in a Mutual Fund, better to use an annuity, CD or money-market. I've had a Mutual Fund crash, taking with it my "investment" I now avoid the Stock Market, except for gambling money.

    A friend once told me, "when you earn a dollar your lucky to get 80 cents, but when you save a dollar you get the whole dollar, so it makes sense to work harder to save money than you do to earn it."

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