
Am I counted as Hispanic Origin...?

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Am I still considered of "Hispanic Origin" if my mom is Mexican and from Mexico, but my dad is Asian and from Taiwan? I know Spanish, it's my first language. I'm asking because on your birth certificate it's asks specifically if you, (the mom or dad), are of Hispanic Origin, and it also asks for your race. So I would put Asian in race because of my dad, but what about the Hispanic Origin, do I put yes also? And if I put yes, can I still put Asian in race? It also asks what kind of Hispanic, and I know I'd put Mexican.




  1. this is something your parents should have disccused to you about.. and is also a personal choice on your part,  do what YOU feel is right. To me I would simply put other then where it has a blank space put "part hispanic, part asian"..  

  2. Your birth certificate was filled out long before you could speak, read, or write.

    Anybody who doesn't consider their own ethnicity is properly addressed on a form has the right to raise h**l. That's the only way the US Census admitted biracial as a category, etc. Don't sit around griping about "them." In the US, we adults are the "them" and we face an important election this fall. You don't have to vote, but you must realize that the people who do vote will determine the winner. Obama or McCain? your choice!

  3. Put other.

  4. Yes, being asian doesn't cancel out being hispanic..

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