
Am I covered under my parents car insurance?

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I got my License yesterday and I want to drive my parents car, am I covered by their car insurance?

I am 16 Years old.....




  1. Usually being under 18 your covered by your parents, if you were over 18, then you would fall under a different bracket. It depends then on the policy, for me anyone who drives my car is covered. They insurance ask who drives it "Permanently" meaning drives the vehicle the most. Good Luck!

  2. You have to be added to the insurance policy for the car you are going to be driving before you are covered.  

    No, you are not covered by your father's insurance if you drive your mother's car.  She will need to add you to her policy.

  3. Call the agent to be 100% sure you are covered. Period.  Don't assume you are, you could get fined, and lose your liscence for a year if you get caught driving not covered.

  4. if you are on a PERMIT you are covered.  some companies require you still be added as a non rated driver when on a permit.  this means the parents rates are not affected because you are not licensed yet.  you should have the parent you live with add you to their policy.  the parent you do NOT live with can allow you to drive (within your permit restrictions) and you would be covered without being added.  once you are licensed you need to be added as a rated driver of the parent you live with.

  5. If you have a copy of the insurence card that has your name on it, you might be all right; Then again, each state has different insurence laws.

  6. If you live with your mom (even if it's only half of the time) she needs to add you to her policy or you won't be covered.

  7. they need to add you to the policy. if you aren't on it, any accident won't be covered. and congrats! my son got his last week. i really miss my car.

  8. I have met similiar situation before.It is not easygoing,however,I get through it well is the resource i find is useful for me.hope it works for you.

  9. Not unless they added you already. Ask them.

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