
Am I crazy? I am starting to wonder.?

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I can't seem to pull myself together. My cat passed away 5 years ago and my beautiful Amazon Parrot about 3 months ago. I miss them so much and think I cry too much. I still function. I go to work/school, etc. But I lay in bed at night and cry. I just want to hear his meow or my bird's chatter one more time.

It really doesn't feel fair. I love them so much. The thought of my other cats and birds passing away is unbearable, but I couldn't live without them.




  1. I think you need to get some new pets. I know that pets can be such a major part of your life and family. Especially if you don't have children of your own.  They are like your children. We create large bonds with them and love them like our own.  I know it is hard but try getting a new pet and loving it.  Maybe get some new hobbies or met a new human friend.  The bonds are a lot a like actually except that pets will never let you down and they will never grow out of needing you.  Pets are probably better. hehe ;-)  It's okay to miss them and to remember them but life does go on and you have to remember that. Also think about this....if their lose is too much a new pet might not be a good idea b/c it will eventually die too.  Maybe you are not okay with death period...your animals or your own (one day). Just remember that everyone dies on day and that is just life.

  2. you are not crazy dont worry..... your pets are in a better place dont buy another pet yet wait a while then grow something maybe grow some grass in a jar and give it a face or some beans in an eggshell with a face gradully over time you'll feel better and when you think you are ready go for it maybe buy a different pet

  3. I had a dog pass who i cared for very much,i don,t ever have pets again.your probraby sensitive.which is not a weakness,i and i,m 34.

  4. no u are not crazy you just loved your animals so much and depended on them so much then you don't no what to do now they have gone  

  5. You can live without them you just don't want to. I don't think your crazy, you do need to find a way to deal. I don't know but you may find a group in your area that helps people deal with the loss of pets, try there. You know that everything and everyone will pass when it is there time and we never know when or where this will happen. Sorry for you loss so long ago.


  7. Your not going crazy. my Rabbit Died in february and i cry almost all the time. i was soo close to him :(

    My mum breaks down too. i just feel like icant live without him. everything reminds me of him.

    You not going crazy. its because you were so close. and you cant bear to let go. me either :\


  8. no way are you crazy, of course your going to be upset, the amount of pets i've lost is unbelievable, i burst into tears when my dog had a fit, he's 8 and i really thought i was going to lose him, you just gotta think to yourself, that all your pets are in a better place now and they get to do whatever they wanna do :)

  9. Its okay to mourn your pets but I think you may be going alittle to far. Sorry  

  10. No your not crazy! And ignore the people who have answered your question 'rudely' and told you to get over it. It is not something you get over. Trust me I know how you feel almost 3 months ago I lost my dog he was hit on the road, to make a long story short he was missing for 2 months and we had just found him and only had him back for a week and lost him forever. It was one of the hardest things I have been through. They are a part of your family.

    Just know what a wonderful life they had with you and that they know how much you loved them.

    Im sure right now you do not think you would want another animal b/c it hurts so much when they are gone, but you should consider adopting another cat to help you cope with your loss. And you could give another animal a wonderful life who might not get that chance.

    I wish you the best of luck hun.  

  11. Pets are easier to love and we put so much time into taking care of them. It is hard to let go, but you have to realize that every living organism has to die some day. Death effects everyone.

    My rabbit died eight years ago and until last year I couldn't move his picture from my dresser. Moving it made me feel guilty, like I was forgetting about him.

  12. I feel for you.  *hug*

    It sounds like it's time to go see the doctor.  He can refer you to a counselor or screen you for depression and give you meds/care.  No, I'm not joking or trying to be silly.  I couldn't be more serious.  Mourning is normal but this sounds a little past that so go talk to your doctor.  It can't hurt anything, right?!  Take care of yourself.  Okay?  :)

  13. Its just like when your parent(s) die. You feel like you cant go on. But life goes on. They are both in a better place now :)

  14. How old are you?

  15. The bond between pet and owner can be just as strong as between humans and sometimes stronger in other ways. Grieving over a lost pet is normal and healthy but don't let it consume you. At some point, you will need to get back to your old routine so help yourself transition back into daily life with school and work and by surrounding yourself with friends and family. Maybe volunteering at the local vet's office or animal shelter could help fill the void left by your pets without opening another opportunity to suffer losing one again. And you'll be helping dozens of animals and people, your whole community! When her local shelter became overcrowded, a friend of mine offered to foster kittens in her home until someone could adopt them- its a great way to help out and have a temporary pet. By keeping your beloved pets in your thoughts, they are always with you and you should focus more on the happy memories you have of them than their absence. Good luck!

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