
Am I crazy beacuse I prefer NASCAR or INDY instead of Formula one?

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We must accept it. NASCAR and INDY are two great categories, where the champion is never known before the last race of the season. There are no dominant teams. In Indy, Rahal, Penske, Ganassi, Andretti, and the other teams have the same probability to win. In F1, Those RED CARS always take the title. The same thing but with different drivers' names.




  1. Yep.

  2. Yes.

  3. No because I think there has only been ONE pass in the history of F1.

  4. I think anyone that loves racing is crazy.

  5. NASCAR is the best, INDY is alright I guess, and F1 is just pure dogsh*t.

  6. No, personally i love Nascar an do not watch Indy OR formula

  7. No not at all!  I prefer NASCAR over Indy and f1.

  8. well..anyone that watches racing is probably crazy (in a good way :] )

    but you're not (bad) crazy for prefering nascar & indy over F1.

    i tried watching F1...blah. i just couldn't get into it.

    all i need is Nascar & Indycar baby!

  9. Umm...there is a three way tie at the moment for the drivers championship at the halfway point of the season.  The top finishing Ferrari yesterday was 4th.  I love Nascar and I also love F1.  You can have IRL.

  10. No. I'm a big IRL and NASCAR fan. The only people who are crazy are the ones that bash open wheel or bash stock car racing. They are not real racing fans. We have a word for them, too: "Racists"

  11. No are no crazy... I live in colombia, Where juan pablo montoya's born. He begin running in F3000 and after that F1. And let me tell you, the F1 is bored always is the same, 2 minutes between the same car...Ferrari or renault, lately williams...But your know the winner in the mid season...I prefer Nascar, not dominant teams...

  12. Your not crazy your speaking the truth. That's why so many drivers from other series are coming to NASCAR... its the best one out there.

  13. I don't think that you are crazy because Nascar Rules !!!!!

  14. I don't think you are crazy. I prefer NASCAR to Formula one.

  15. You're not crazy.  F1 races are just not exciting.  Once the first lap is over you pretty much know how the race will end.  NASCAR & Indy put on better shows and keep you tunned in.   F1 is all about technology, I think if they could run F1 with robots they would.  Keep watching NASCAR and Indy for an exciting race, if you need a nap turn on a F1 race. :-)

  16. Your not crazy, NASCAR and INDY are both more fun to watch compared to F1. F1 races are boring because the positions are sepearted sometimes as much as 20 sec., how can you even call F1 racing at times?!

  17. I'm trying to think of a Nascar or Indy (CART) driver who moved over to Formula One and stayed, and can't.  But I can name several F1 drivers who went the other way, and that says it all.

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