
Am I crazy for putting my rook piercing back in?

by  |  earlier

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Alright, here's what happened. I got my Rook and Cartilage pierced exactly one month from today in the states while I was visiting family. Around the beginning of August I came back home to Saudi Arabia...the piercings were fine up until last Friday. I woke up last friday feeling extremely chilly and my ear (the one i got pierced) was swollen twice it's size( ahh infection!)! But no PUSS just redness. My mom took me to the ER, i had 102 fever, they gave me antibiotics and IV,made me an appointment with the ENT for the next day and sent me home. Next day i go to the ENT, and he doesnt like the piercings at all ( i think it's the first time in his life he's seen piercings like this lol) anyway he wants me to take them out and I refuse so he gave me antibiotics pill and a topical ointment...and says to come back in a week. I been taking care of it like he suggested, and the swelling has noticably gone down....SO i go back to this guy and he's like "wow, it really has come down, i didnt expect it to blah blah but i still think you should remove it!" I'm like NO! So he brings in another guy for a second opinion and he says the same thing! I felt pressured so i let him take them out. There was no pain wahtsoever! No puss no nothhing! I regretted talking them out in the when i got home i ran to the bathroom and decided to put my rook back in xD. I decided to part with the cartilage...this is the second time i try a cartilage piercing and didnt work out for me...but i love my rook to death and dont wan tto give up so easily on it! Am i crazy for putting it back in? Should i listen to the doctors? I mean is it that bad? And the doctor made really rude remarks about the piercing which pissed me off and wanted to keep it even more.

OH something important to mention....we have no piercers in Saudi so i cant go and see one if i wanted to >.<




  1. If things are infected, you shouldn&#039;t take the piercing out, it just traps all the c**p in there, it needs to act as a drain. Otherwise you get a nice abcess.

    I love my rook piercing, though they are a pain to heal. Yours didn&#039;t sound too bad though, just like you could have bashed it or something. If it didn&#039;t hurt or wasn&#039;t full of yellow/green pus then I doubt it was the piercing, perhaps you were just ill? I dunno... acn&#039;t really tell from the interwebs, though it is unusual.

    My rook was swollen for nearly 6 months, it still hasn&#039;t gone back to its normal size, even though its healed. Just odd little piercings they are.

  2. i think it was a good choice for you to put it back in, although you should have gotten a piercer to do it, but you said there isn&#039;t any.

    if you like it that much, then you shouldn&#039;t let other people talk you out of it, it&#039;s something that you got done for youself, if you took it out because you wanted to, then thats fine, but this is something that you wanted, i&#039;m glad that you put it back in.

    i&#039;m not piercer, or doctor, but if you&#039;ve had the piercings for over a month, then i don&#039;t see how it could have been them that made you sick, i think you were sick from something else, and it made your ear swell up.

  3. nah your not crazy for putting it back in.  The only reason it probably got infected is because your body recognizes that its something foreign entering it.  That happened to me and i had to take my cartilage out with plyers. OUCH.  you also might have been allergic to the earing.  I am allergic to gold, so i had to get sterling silver and titanium steel earings, and now their okay.  GOod luckk

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