
Am I crazy to want another baby???

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I am about to go back to school, still on maternity leave with my 10 week old and I am feeling entirely compelled to have a second child already. What are the pros and cons to having a second child so soon




  1. I believe in your situation you should first consider the possible outcomes of having a second child. here are 10 tips to help you with your descision. enjoy

    Consult your partner. Your spouse's insights may help with

    your own thought process. It's also important to understand each other's

    concerns. Hearing my husband's fear that another child would stress our

    marriage, I kept date night on the agenda after our second baby arrived.

    *Don't rush. Having children who are three years or less apart in

    age is hard on parents early on. If you've just had your first and aren't

    racing the biological clock, take a breather. Some of the happiest

    parents have children who are widely spaced.

    *Weigh the sibling factor. Providing a sibling for your firstborn is

    not a sufficient reason for having another baby. Not all siblings get

    along, and singletons do fine. You need to want to raise another child. If

    you want a playmate, arrange a playdate.

    *Visualize life with two. With one child you can hang on to your

    adult life. Two puts you firmly in the kiddie world. Expect dinners at the

    pizza restaurant, not the bistro. Prepare to double the sick days, but also

    double the fun, especially as your kids grow and play together.

    *Visualize life with one. You get lots of time together with an

    only child. You're also the default entertainment. Count on enjoying a

    close, special relationship, and playing a lot of Candyland.

    *Think ahead. Okay, so you want another baby. But do you want

    another teenager? Or are you just trying to preserve the baby stage of

    parenthood, which passes no matter how many kids you have?

    *Consider your resources. The second child can strain you

    financially, emotionally and physically. But you'll also grow to meet the

    challenges and realize how much you learned the first time around.

  2. The pros are the wonderful feeling of having the baby...the feelings of security...the joys of having one with your significant other. Also providing a sibling for your first newborn. It is better to have your children close because they have someone to confide in and a best friend.

    The cons would be money issues. You have to ask yourself practically...can you afford having the child...and help them throughout their schooling? It isn't fair for the child to grow up and always feeling they are poor. I know because I grew up like this. Make sure you are financially stable. Cons could also be when both of your children turn 18 they are likely to move out and you might feel lonely. This is how my mom feels (me and my only brother are a year apart..and moved out).

    Consider all options before having it...good luck!

  3. GO FOR IT

    the only con is

    that it will be a little

    more work but it is so

    worth it to have another

    precious child. And siblings

    that are close in age, tend to

    get along better.

  4. Its very normal to have these feelings but not a great idea. My 2 eldest have 3.5year age gap and it is great they are still close enough in age to have things in common but the eldest was mature enough to do most thing for herself (toilet trained and no bottle). My 2 youngest are 16mths apart and it is the same as having twins. Both are in nappies; both still wake at night; both still have a bottle and both get sick at the same time. Really its best to have a bout a 2.5-3.5year age gap; otherwise be prepared for a great deal of work.

  5. I think its normal we get so used to being pregnant all that time it makes us want to experience it again! But remember it will never be like our 1st :(

    but yeah I suggest wait it's recommended to wait at least a year before trying to conceive again. I know how uf eel though I keep thinking it would be "fun" to get pregnant again when my girl is only 5 wks old and that I could let the s*x be a surprise this time, lol. But i know I wouldnt be able to emotionally handle two babies so close in age, as well as physically handle another pregnancy so soon after, AND taking care of a young baby while pregnant.

  6. Give your body some time to get your hormones back to normal, then ask yourself this question again in 3 months; by then I bet you won't be so eager to have another one! =]

  7. i dont think u should have another baby

    cuz ur already dealing with the stress of school

    and the baby that u have now and if u have

    a job even more stresss!!!!!!


    you shouldn't have another bby.

    pro: a beautiful kid.

    cons: don't bring a child in the world if you can't handle one!

    remember! don't bring a child into the world if you don't have $ or responsibility. have one until your old enough to raise your kid right.

    the mother makes a huge impact on the character of someone.


  8. I have a five year old son and a 16 month old daughter expecting my third any day now. It was definitely easy having that 3.5 age gap between my son and daughter, and I'm sure this time won't be so easy. I stay at home for right now so remember that you are going back to school and will have to balance all of these things. It is hard being pregnant and taking care of a small child as well. But you know better than anyone if you are ready to have another child, so no one can really tell you to wait or have a second baby.  

  9. You are crazy.  be smart.  we dont always need the things that we want.  enjoy your newborn for a while

  10. Well, I'm not going to say you are crazy but there are some definite cons to having another baby so soon.  For one, your body isn't ready to carry another baby.  It can be very hazardous to you and the baby you try to conceive to try so soon.  You will have 2 children in diapers, and if you are going to school, chances are, you can't afford to have 2 children in diapers! No offense, I just know how hard it is going to school and raising a baby.  Also, you won't get the chance to have that one on one mommy and me time with baby number 1.  

  11. Hey, do what u need to do. one of my personal goals in life is to actually have 10 kids and live on an island.  

  12. I think you should have a second child because your first child will have a brother or sister in the future that they can rely and help each other. But having a second child can be really cause the first child to be jealous and feel that they aren't the center of attentiion and their will be a lot of fights between them aswell in their younger years, but a second child would probably be the right thing to do. But it depends how much time you can spend for your children. Children need their moms especially, its kind of a mother and child bond. Children need to be with their mother a lot....

    As I said, if you can be there for your kids a lot, then go for it,

    if not than don't. But in the future having a brother or a sister can be very good.

  13. You aren't ready yet. Your body needs time to heal and replenish itself before you get pregnant again. You're in love with your baby and naturally want more. Most doctors will recommend waiting a year before getting pregnant again so wait and see if you still feel the same way then. My daughter is 4 months and I feel the same way as you. I can't wait to have another one. My husband and I decided that we'll see where we're at around her first birthday and if we're ready we'll go for it again. Good luck :)

  14. Wow, you're gonna be stressed out.  I'd say you wait and get used to having one baby since you don't know how stressful it's going to be like.

  15. All professionals,(doctors, psychologist, teachers, etc) say that you should have your children at least 1-2 years apart.  

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