
Am I crazy to want to move?

by Guest33814  |  earlier

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I just moved to this small town from a major city. The town is nice but I am bored to tears. Their is another small town 1/2 an hour away that is about 1/2 from a bigger town where there are some stuff to do. Do you think it would be a good idea to move to this small town? I will be driving 30 miles for work and 30 miles for entertainment still.




  1. Yeah definitely, if you're not happy where you are then just move. I'm like that, I actually grew up in a small town and now as an adult I hate boring little towns and love living in the city

  2. it seirosly depends on where you live and what is around you.

    For ex. if you live in a clean mansion where you get an easy living than yah u r. if u live in poverty than no u aren't

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