
Am I denying myself?

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A while back I used to be bisexual. But Ive changed my ways bc I found God so bc of my Christian faith I cant like girls. Well I thought it went away but lately its been coming up again. Its not like its sexual to me...its like I want to be in a relationship with one. But I guess Im going to have to deny what I feel in my heart for the rest of my life. I dont know what to do. I feel like c**p. I thought I could get over it and be like well its wrong so Im not going to do it, but its starting to eat away at me. I even dreamt about it last night. I guess Im just a freak. idk what to do. and negative feedback. not in the mood to hear it.




  1. Hang on.  Just because somewhere in the bible its written that you shall not lie with another of your s*x (or whatever it is...) it doesn't mean its wrong.  The bible wasn't written by God, but by men, and changed several times during the course of history!  If you are bi, and it sounds like you are, then that is who you truly are.  No religion, NON, should ever, ever condemn you for this.  If it does then this is not a religion but dictatorship.

    My boyfriend, who recently passed on, was Catholic, and this same question haunted him for about three years of our relationship (we had been dating for four years in all).  I told him what I tell you; if there is a God, then why would he make something that wasn't meant to be, if he is who we think he is?

    Personally I don't have a religion, because I dislike the way it frowns upon people who are g*y/bi/L*****n.  

    Please don't berate yourself for who you are - you are NOT, I say NOT a freak, you are a person who deserves to be loved, etc, etc, and just because you are not straight does not change this.  Your faith should accept you as who you are - times have changed, in general, but if it doesn't perhaps it isn't the faith for you?  You should be able to be who you want to be and believe what you want/need to believe without wrestling with your heart between the two.

    I hope this helps,


  2. I think you're confusing "relationship" and "friendship."  You can have a very close connection with a female, and have it be a platonic friendship instead of a romantic relationship.  

    Look, you recognize that a romantic/sexual attraction to women is a part of you, something that you can't cut out of you, something that is a part of who you are deep down... don't you suppose God knows that?  It wouldn't be fair for God to make you, say, a blonde and then tell you being a blonde is a sin.  If this is that much a part of who you are, then that is how God wanted you to be.  God wants you to be who you are, so it's up to you to figure out who that really is and be it.

    Besides, show me anywhere in the Bible where it mentions lesbianism.  It doesn't.  There are certain prohibitions about male homosexuality, but there isn't anything specific about women.  The Bible is full of little rules that people conveniently pick and choose from - isn't it better to just focus on the major ten rules and really embody those in your life?
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