
Am I depressed? Or is it something else....?

by  |  earlier

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I have really bad mood swings. All the time. I'm a teenage girl people just expect it I guess, but Its a lot worse than before. Now I go from Being depressed, to just fine, to really hyper, to really angry, to really depressed again, back to angry, and then just no feeling at all.

I'm always really sad, though. Is this depression or something else?




  1. Sounds like Bipolar.

    Talk to a professional, they can probably help.

  2. How long has this been going on? Was it triggered by some kind of event? Is there anything going on at home or at school that could be triggering your feelings? Are there times when you notice you're more depressed or angry than other times? If you can't remember being happy, then yes, I would think you're depressed. You may be bipolar (is there any family history?) but it may just be being a teenager. Either way, it's a good idea for you to talk with an adult you trust...perhaps your parents, a school counselor, your pastor or rabbi if you have one, or your family doctor. They can help you figure out what your next steps should be. The main thing is to get help right away...good luck and hope you feel better soon!

  3. hey. im a teenager to and i know exactally where your coming from. my best guy friend tends to call me bipolar. but i was very depressed 4 a while also. i got to the point of suicide thoughts, im not thinking bout that anymore but i have other problems. i wouldnt say that u are depressed, but im not saying that u arnt depressed. if things get worse you can IM me or send me an also could just be a stadge...well yeah bye

  4. hormonal imbalances for girls at your age is very very common.

    Of course, talking with your doctor is always the best thing to do, but if they suggest you taking anti depressants,. you should really do your research because those things are serious and will change your life many ways.  

  5. it could very much just be because of hormones. or you could be


  6. Hi- u have mood swings high and low could mean u r bipolar. You can be checked at any hospital or clinic that has a mental health dept. Good luck.

  7. It could be a couple of things.

    Depending on what time you feel sad, say, maybe before your menstrual, then it could just be mood swings related to pms; This used to happen to me a lot, then I started looking at the time I would feel angry or sad or numb, and it usually coincided with my cycle, then after it was done, I would get hyper and talkative, so that could be 1.

    Another thing, like you said, could be actual depression. There are self-quizzes that you can do in your own time (just google depression quizzes) and depending on your score you will know if its mild. If you get scored for heavy depression, then see a doctor and check again (tell him what test you did and your score) and see what he thinks and whether you need antidepression pills or just to talk to a specialist.

    Hope that helps.

  8. it could be depression, bipolar disorder, or just teenage hormones.

    i would suggest seeing a psychiatrist just to be safe

  9. Sorry about Apollo Z's insensitivity. I'm pretty sure that for some moronic reason he doesn't understand that you're suffering. Ignore anyone who writes you idiotic stuff like this. I'm in your corner and will pray for you.

    I'm no expert, but I've observed that symptoms like these often follow emotional trauma in earlier childhood. Talk with your folks and have them explain some detail on your growing years. You may also wish to consider getting professional help. It works if you really want to change. However, I'm confident that you'll be okay, since you were smart enough to speak up. Best wishes.

  10. you are a women get used to it and enjoy it!

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