
Am I depressed even though I laugh and do normal activities?

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I'm 17 and rarely leave the house and when I do I can't wait to get back. I feel like everyone looks at me and is disgusted. I think I may be depressed for many other reasons also, but am worried people will think I'm just being dramatic or attention seeking because I appear to be ok. I don't feel ok though, the only thing I really enjoy is spending time with my best friend and my pets (I have many) and there are limits to what I can do with my best friend because I'm so self conscious. I feel like I'm wasting my life and like nobody cares about me or really likes me so whats the point.

Sorry if this question is a big jumble of statements! I can't really explain how I feel but even if I did go to a doctor what would I say without sounding like an attention seeker?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.




  1. no, the doctor would give you happy pills. but no real advice on how to overcome what you feel.

  2. I don't think you're depressed it sounds like you have a more sensitive and perhaps introverted personality type and you're struggling with it.  

    At the very least I wouldn't beat up on yourself for being who you are.  You have every right to be more of a home body if that's how you feel and to focus on a few close friends and avoid massive crowds.  Extroverts build energy from being around large groups of people and are drained when they're alone, but introverts are the opposite.  They gather energy from being in small groups or alone and a lot of stimulation simply drains them.  Furthermore, you are not wasting your life, you simply have something different to offer.  Your mind is likely more complex than the average mind, you're thoughtful and sensitive and those are great qualities.

    I'm sure you enjoy going out but you probably don't last as long as other people, don't feel like you're missing out, just enjoy what you can and then go home whenever you feel like it, even if its only been an hour or two.

    I think you're perfectly healthy, its natural to go through moments of self-doubt, its human... the important thing is to be thankful for the wonderful things you do have and move through these difficult moments as quickly as possible.  And finally, work on minimizing the negative self talk, its a tendency for your personality type but its absurd to think that nobody cares or likes you.. try thinking less about how you think others think of you and more about what you have to give to the world.  The rest will fall naturally into place.

    Try this personality test it might help you.

  3. There is a thing called functional depression, which is what you are describing.  I lived many many many years like that, and I can tell you that you are NOT attention seeking. Talk to your parents about going to the doctor. Tell the doctor what you have told us, that you don't enjoy things you used too, that you feel like no one cares and so forth. Any doctor worth the paper his degree is printed on will listen and take you seriously. They have a few simple tests they can give you that also help with diagnosis. Usually a circle which statement is most like you kinda test.

    Here is a really good depression support site I belong to. They can hopefully help too, but it is very important that you talk to your parents and your doctor.

    You don't realize how bad you feel until you feel better.

  4. Hello I can tell you that even though you can go out and laugh, but when your alone your sad a depressed. FInd out what took you to that point, did you get hurt bad by someone? DO you not like the way you look? These are things you can change if you really want to,

    I am a true believer if you fear what people are thinking about you, you will go through life destroyed. Think if someone is talking about me then I must be an intresting person. :)

    Hope this helps a little. Be true to yourself you shoul always come first. DO something speical for you at least one a month think of something that makes you happy and do it.

  5. I was suffering from depression after a bad accident. I went to psychologist who got me into meditation. Sceptical at first, it turned out to really help and I still do it even after having been fully recovered for several years now.

    There are many meditative alternatives - yoga and qi gong are two that I find most helpful. There are many resources on the internet for both.

  6. Maybe try being more aggressive.

  7. I do not feel that 17 is too young to be depressed, I felt a lot like you at that age.  

    If you can't talk to your parents, how about a school counselor?  Maybe just talking to someone on a regular basis about how you feel would help you.  Or tell your parents that you would like to see a doctor.  Tell them how you feel, and that this has been going on for some time.  If you feel sad all the time and don't feel like doing normal activities, then the doctor might feel that you need medication.  It is NOT your fault and you shouldn't be ashamed to ask for help!!  Some of the medications like Zoloft and Prozac have generics so they are very affordable... don't let cost keep you from getting the help you need!

    When I was 17 I drove to the doctor without telling my parents... they found out about it later when they got the bill in the mail.  So I wouldn't try to hide it from them.  I wouldn't try to 'convince' your parents of anything, just talk to them from your heart, and maybe they will understand.  

    Feel free to email me anytime if you need someone to talk to.

  8. I think that you are depressed - it is perfectly possible to get on with 'normal' life when feeling very depressed - lethargy can get a grip, but as you are still young I think that you are not chronically and acutely depressed.

    I would suggest that it is your lack of self confidence that is the crucial issue here, and that is what is making it so hard for you to go out and lead a fuller life.

    I know that this may not seem like it is going to happen, but I think that things will probably change for you fairly quickly, due to the fact that you still have plenty of growing up and developing to do.

  9. ur depressed big time

  10. Maybe you should find a job or some activity to do..I know it sounds corny but it does help the time pass..

  11. I don't think a doctor would make you out to be an attention seeker. They might supply you with anti-anxiety meds.

    And honestly, like the other guy said, getting a job that you would like could also help. I'm an extrovert at heart, have a mild (I think?) anxiety issue when I go out sometimes but felt like I had a purpose and felt secure when I became a cashier at a local store.

    I got close to some of the workers there, and we joked a lot and I felt like I was one of them. Even if it's at McDonald's or at one of your local stores, they should hire you at 16, I believe.



  12. Maybe it's social anxiety... i have social anxiety and had only 3 friends I actually enjoyed hanging out with and loved playing with my pets (Dogs!)

    I have more friends and going to clubs now! I'm 17 too... They way i dealt with it, I thought about how ridiculous it was of me to be so self conscious, i pushed myself to the limit and out of my comfort zone, i started a conversation with anyone who asked me any simple question, or someone who wanted to just make small talk i simply participated... i signed myself up for acting classes where i really had to push myself to not be shy and get up there. Just take action, “Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by

    conflict.” one of the quotes that helped me look at my problem as a challenge in life and just play the game and figure out how to win... i won!  

    Don't pay any attention to what other people you don't even know think of you, who cares! bums and homeless walk around and people look at them, what are they gonna do? forget what they think, stop caring about what they think so much... I'm pretty sure there are people who care about you, don't your parents or family?your pets or best friend ?

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