
Am I depressed or just a normal college student? Help!

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I was researching stuff about my cat when I came across a yahoo answers question that an "unmotivated 16 year old" left, wanting to know what was wrong with him/her... and others replied saying he/she may be depressed, so I was wondering if I could possibly be depressed?

I'm a 20 year old (female) college student at UC Berkeley. I don't have much friends socially, but do have a lot of friends that I meet up with only if I need to study or something. So I don't go out and socialize much, but it's more cuz I don't have any friends and don't wanna go to a party by myself. When I go home, I go out a lot more. My biggest concern is that I have a lot of trouble concentrating and lack motivation. A lot of the times I just want to watch tv, go online, or play with my cat/dogs. I usually don't feel motivated to study or do HW until 10pm the night before and so I end up cramming. I want to go home all the time, and I do get home sick, but I feel like it's something more serious than that. Sometimes after I make a mistake or get bad results on my exam, I do think in my head that I'm a bad person and need to make myself more useful. Also, even on days that I get a good amount of sleep, I still feel physically drained... most of my stress stems from money and college loans and not knowing what I'm gonna do after I graduate. Also has a lot to do with my mom and how she wants me to do well in school, but I'm not performing at the level that I should be. I feel like I can never do any better even if I did study, just because I have a lot of trouble concentrating. When I read a physics problem, I have to reread it 10 times before I can understand it cuz I can't concentrate. Most of the time, I'm thinking about other things in my head, like if I'm out studying with friends and we read over a question, I always wonder about the most randomest things instead of concentrating on reading the question. I'm not on drugs and only drink alcohol like once a month... sometimes I do feel lonely, and I always wait til others invite me out... like I have a fear of rejection or something... so could I be mildy depressed or if I'm not, am I in danger of being depressed?




  1. Your lack of concentration seems a little alarming. Any chance you might have ADD? I don't know much about depression, but if you're really worried talk to someone about it. Maybe your parents or another family member, or even a psychiatrist.

  2. This kinna sounds like me...I have been diagnosed with depression, been taking medication since 2002...I am 30 years old female, have one child that is 11 yrs old...I would recommend on seeing a therapist or something, then maybe see what they say if you need to be on medications...I believe I have a social problem, but I still go out when I can and feel like it...Most of the time, I just go to work at my part time job, then come home and stay in my room...I watch tv, but it gets boring, the computer gets boring, and I take classes online, and its hard for me to concentrate...Anyways, Does anything like this run in your family? It could also be genetics too...But I would just suggest to see someone that has a profession in this area...Ive had people tell me that I am too young, but with evrything going on this world today, I dont believe anyone is too young....

  3. your somewhat depressed

  4. I think you are somewhat emotionally askewed - It might be goOd to look into an anti depressant, with all the stress you bare - its ok to have the low's your having.. You sound a little over-analytical - like myself lol - seems your having some anxiety -  I wouldn't say your in danger!! You've acknowledged there's been a change, and now you can do something about it.  Stay positive, your doing everything you need to- to take that next big step in the world.  Tend to your needs, take it one day at a time- there's only so much you can do - and theres no use in beating yourself up over things- because as we all know '**** happens' and only we can make it better unless we deny ourselves the chance to - I'd say your a normal college student - with a slight chemical imbalance - and for not knowings 'sake' - who does know what they wanna do? a lot of people would tell you that they know what they want to do - but that could all change for them as well - it will come! maybe just not now lol :p Focus on being wonderful and enjoying your time! just make sure to set that time aside to study - and socialize you need to make that balance for you.


  6. You may have ADD which is really a difficult disorder. It results in poor concentration and irritability.

    College can be stressful in's all about learning how to manage your stress, and making the most of your time.

    Also, your university more than likely has a free Counseling Center. I would call and make an appointment...someone can work with you so you don't feel so exhausted or unmotivated.

    Good luck...I am in grad school so I know it's hard sometimes. I also have been to my counseling center numerous times...nothing to be ashamed about.

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