I was researching stuff about my cat when I came across a yahoo answers question that an "unmotivated 16 year old" left, wanting to know what was wrong with him/her... and others replied saying he/she may be depressed, so I was wondering if I could possibly be depressed?
I'm a 20 year old (female) college student at UC Berkeley. I don't have much friends socially, but do have a lot of friends that I meet up with only if I need to study or something. So I don't go out and socialize much, but it's more cuz I don't have any friends and don't wanna go to a party by myself. When I go home, I go out a lot more. My biggest concern is that I have a lot of trouble concentrating and lack motivation. A lot of the times I just want to watch tv, go online, or play with my cat/dogs. I usually don't feel motivated to study or do HW until 10pm the night before and so I end up cramming. I want to go home all the time, and I do get home sick, but I feel like it's something more serious than that. Sometimes after I make a mistake or get bad results on my exam, I do think in my head that I'm a bad person and need to make myself more useful. Also, even on days that I get a good amount of sleep, I still feel physically drained... most of my stress stems from money and college loans and not knowing what I'm gonna do after I graduate. Also has a lot to do with my mom and how she wants me to do well in school, but I'm not performing at the level that I should be. I feel like I can never do any better even if I did study, just because I have a lot of trouble concentrating. When I read a physics problem, I have to reread it 10 times before I can understand it cuz I can't concentrate. Most of the time, I'm thinking about other things in my head, like if I'm out studying with friends and we read over a question, I always wonder about the most randomest things instead of concentrating on reading the question. I'm not on drugs and only drink alcohol like once a month... sometimes I do feel lonely, and I always wait til others invite me out... like I have a fear of rejection or something... so could I be mildy depressed or if I'm not, am I in danger of being depressed?