
Am I doing the right thing??

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Ok my "best friend" uh......I'll use a fake name, Leah has been driving me INSANE!

Ok shes like that snooty lil rich girl that has everything & still wants more.

Ok shes just a brat! I'd say ALOT worse haha.

Anyways, we were talking, and she ALWAYS copies me, with everything, I've gone through alot of phases & I finally found one I luv 2 death haha anyways, 1st I was Punk I liked the style & stuff, all of a sudden Leah wants to be punk too, she wore the punk style, but she acted soo preppy not even funny, and I said, look no offence but your just doing this to copy me", and she said no way sam! I said whatever, but your not punk u need way more then just the look (which she HARDLY had), she said I'm a preppy punk!

wtf? A preppy punk....mmhmm, i said, anyways I was over hanging out, & she said something I wanted to be like emo-ish, suddenly she did too!

I said ok, why do u ALWAYS copy me?

She said, u copy me!

I said what the heck, HOW?

She said, well ur gonna dye your hair blonde (I was cuz its like a MILLION diff colors, and I was sick of it being a million colors) and she said cuz some other g*y reason, so I was ticked, I left.

(She lives near me, so I walked =)

Anyways, she was being a real b****, and I couldn't take it, I said "look we're not friends, enemies, ANYTHING! I'm SOO done with you being a b**** to me!

It was just everything, I got her a bday gift she always wanted this one top, I gave it to her she said "oh well I didn't want that top anymore....."

SHES JUST A B****! I'm sorry its true, anyways shes on vaction 4 like 3 weeks, do u think I did the right thing? Cuz I didn't wanna totally hurt her, but I couldn't be her friend anymore.......just for a while @ least.

She parents are gonna be ticked, my parents know shes jerk. But seriously, do u think I did?




  1. I dont think that u r the problem. You may want to find a different friend. she has a problem. i think she may look up to you a little bit for styles and things. but with her rejecting the shirt i think she felt vulnerable and that you would figure out that she was copying you.  

  2. yeah you did the right thing she sounds like a *****...

  3. use this time to get to know other people and become close with them, go out with them and when she comes back, just say to her that you getting annoyed with how she is treating you and you want a break because you want to be treated better and all that stuff and she might be pissed off, and she has the right to be, but she deserves it by how she has been treating you throughout your friendship, see how this works, add me if you need more help.


  4. yea she sounds like a hugeeeee ******! i would have done the same thingg.


  5. she sounds reallllly annoying. u definitly did the right thing. i mean, after u told her u didnt want to be friends u still gave her a bday present & she told u she didnt want it anymore??!!! as if copying u wasnt enough...sheesh! its good that ur still want to be friendly even if ur not friends, & maybe after she gets back from vacation she will cool off, but i doubt it.

  6. Wow. I Think you made a good choice!

    I Would probably get ticked if that happend to me!

    Just Avoid her and you'll be fine!



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