Ok my "best friend" uh......I'll use a fake name, Leah has been driving me INSANE!
Ok shes like that snooty lil rich girl that has everything & still wants more.
Ok shes just a brat! I'd say ALOT worse haha.
Anyways, we were talking, and she ALWAYS copies me, with everything, I've gone through alot of phases & I finally found one I luv 2 death haha anyways, 1st I was Punk I liked the style & stuff, all of a sudden Leah wants to be punk too, she wore the punk style, but she acted soo preppy not even funny, and I said, look no offence but your just doing this to copy me", and she said no way sam! I said whatever, but your not punk u need way more then just the look (which she HARDLY had), she said I'm a preppy punk!
wtf? A preppy punk....mmhmm, i said, anyways I was over hanging out, & she said something I wanted to be like emo-ish, suddenly she did too!
I said ok, why do u ALWAYS copy me?
She said, u copy me!
I said what the heck, HOW?
She said, well ur gonna dye your hair blonde (I was cuz its like a MILLION diff colors, and I was sick of it being a million colors) and she said cuz some other g*y reason, so I was ticked, I left.
(She lives near me, so I walked =)
Anyways, she was being a real b****, and I couldn't take it, I said "look we're not friends, enemies, ANYTHING! I'm SOO done with you being a b**** to me!
It was just everything, I got her a bday gift she always wanted this one top, I gave it to her she said "oh well I didn't want that top anymore....."
SHES JUST A B****! I'm sorry its true, anyways shes on vaction 4 like 3 weeks, do u think I did the right thing? Cuz I didn't wanna totally hurt her, but I couldn't be her friend anymore.......just for a while @ least.
She parents are gonna be ticked, my parents know shes jerk. But seriously, do u think I did?