
Am I doing the right thing with by trimming the ends of my eyebrows?

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The ends of my eyebrows closest to the nose are different than the rest of the eyebrow. They all sort of point up or towards my nose. What I started doing is every week just trim the top of them off so they don't get too long and also trim them to shorten their length. This is the only part of my eyebrow that I trim. I don't know why but I think I have seen other people who's eyebrows are the same towards the nose. I am a guy btw.




  1. Hey Sugar, sounds like what your describing is almost a long single eyebrow. I think you should get it waxed once then you will be able to see what needs to be trimmed. Have a great day Annmarie

  2. I would use tweezers to pluck them, just get rid of all of them.  If you put a pencil along the side of your nose so that it lines up with the inner corner of your eye, you want to get rid of any of the hairs on the other side of the pencil--that's where your eyebrow should stop.  

  3. yes, you are trimming them the right way. If you went to a salon that is what they would do also.

  4. Yes, that is just the way the hair grows. I can't stand to see people who dont trim them and the hairs are REALLY long. Keep trimming, I'm sure they look great!

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