My 5 year old likes to watch alot of tv. We r in and out of the house alot, going places, so when we r home, I need to get work done around here.If I don't turn on tv, i'm hounded by questions and also have my one year old following me around like a shadow, so to get things done, I put on the tv.My husband works all the time and always has, so by the time he gets home he tired and doent feel like playing much. I never pushed the sports thing, well because I'm a girl and don't care about that stuff.Now I'm seeing some problems. The other boys his age are more advanced in sports. I don't want him to be left out, but he really does not have much intrest in them. His biggest intrest is dinosaurs and the tv he watches is usually animal planet or discovery, so I don't consider it so bad. I know this is a run on question that kind of flip flops...sorry. Basically did I s***w up my little boy?