
Am I doomed to be alone forever?

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Well...I'm really shy, insecure and have low-self esteem...ever since elementary. But it kinda lessed when I reached Highschool....I gained lots and lots of friends in Highschool(more than half my batchmates)...especially in my senior year..I felt at home with them(maybe 'coz we've all been classmates since elementary...our school has all levels except college).

When I graduated and started my 1st year in college...It took me a WHILE before I gained months...and it was only like...3-4 friends. I've transfered colleges this year.

Once again I'm a freshman. This time my friendship status is worst. I'm an irregular student and i have no definte classmate. And everyone already have friends.

I look ugly in our stupid looking uniforms(yes, we still wear uniforms...) and its hurting my self-esteem.

I have no friends (just acquaintances, who seem like they don't want to be friends with me coz I'm the lozer with no friends.)

Last year, I only finally became really close friends with those 3-4 people coz we've been seatmates for all the subjects throughout the year. Well thats not the same situation now...

So am i doomed to be alone forever?...I'm planning to transfer again *to one with no required uniform* to eliminate my low-selfesteem due to ugly uniform* and so I can once again try to make a fresh start...but at this rate when will I graduate???

I'm doomed aren't I?




  1. hi, same is with me.i am also very shy,i have lesser friends coz i am not a chit;chatter.but now i have a found a solution of it i.e if one is good at studies than people start respecting u in their heart &try to talk with u.also always wore a smile on ur face,it works & try to be jolly.....................

    i'm also going to join a new college where i have no previous friends.i'm gonno follow these things.

  2. transfer to a college in missouri and we'll kick it dude

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