
Am I doomed to never get a Top Secret Clearance?

by  |  earlier

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My wife, soon to be ex, destroyed my credit while I was deployed (yes she had power of attorney). I am paying stuff off when I am able, but the entries are still on there they just say "paid, late." And there are more entries that I am contesting because the amounts and times are questionable.

I want to get a government job that requires a TS. I know I am legally responsible for these debts, but they weren't of my choosing. Does this make any difference? Will they just look at my credit report and show me the door?

Any help from people in the know would be appreciated.




  1. Not nessecarily, when CID comes and talks with you , you will be able to explain what happened.

  2. Well from my experience dealing with cleaning up credit (my ex did a similar thing,) the creditors did a good job with me clearing off the big stuff when I paid it off but about half the little stuff smaller than a few hundred bucks seemed like a lost cause and I just had to wait it out and it didn't clear up I paid it off but it didn't clear off until years later.  I Dunno maybe I just got lucky with the big ones.  Just stay on top of it and make sure and hound them.

    I don't know anything about the TS clearance but it makes sense that credit would be a factor.

  3. If you have paid them off that shouldn't effect you, if they are still outstanding they will want to know the status. They realize your human and divorces happen and are often ugly. All is not lost.

  4. I got mine pretty easy. As long as your associates don't tell about the overseas accounts or the dummy corporations you should be ok.

  5. dude... s***w Top Secret Clearance... diplomatic immunity is where it's at.

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