
Am I drinking Republican Kool-Aid or did Sarah Palin hit the ball out of the park last night?

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  1. She simply restated the typical republican talking points.  Nothing new or unexpected.  She did not fumble over her words, so I guess that was a good thing.

  2. Yeah she did. She like Rudy just stated fact. Resonated well, and

    had the ring of clear truth to it. Barack can not stand up to being

    compared. He has no viable record.

    From being a Oh' can suszie do a play date  Community Organizer.

    to the Prestigous Harvard Law Review. This guy reeks of accomplishment on a individual level. Not on a hands on making

    things work for people level.

    There is a huge difference in hiring someone who says they can

    do something. Then hiring someone who can actually do the job.

    I would not hire a cow hand who could not tell me what end of the

    steer to feed. Or worse yet. get on a horse and look for the transmission selector. You must have qualifications to do anything.

    Barack is a fine man, He is a great teacher, Stay there, don't get

    in the way of running something he is not qualified to do.

  3. I'd opt for the kool aid

    See while in the beginning she seemed genuine the second half was so canned it gagged me, for somebody outside of Washington sher certainly had all the talking points down and if you believe for even a second that those were her original thoughts on foreign policy etc. you're most definitely drinking the kool aid, I guess 3 days sequestered proves she can memorize talking points but little else

  4. She did what cons do.  Get the mindless masses to nod with empty rhetoric and meaningless drivel.

  5. You're drinking Republican Kool-Aid.  Palin criticized and injected humor and sarcasm but said practically nothing about the major issues that are affecting most Americans.  We have had enough of this kind of politics.  

  6. Republican Kool-Aid is SPIKED with a hard dose of reallity!!!

    I thought Rudy and Sarah hit back-to-back homers off of Obama who is looking a little shattered at this point!!!


  7. Grand Slam!

  8. I thought she did good. If her political beliefs weren't so whacked out, I would like her. I can't support a woman who is against women's rights. It is a shame.


  10. Take off your rose colored glasses!   Business as usual.  The only change I saw was it was delivered by a woman.

  11. Grand slam for the woman who believes in human rights!


  12. More like grand-slam. She did not stumble once and she put in a few jabs at obama. She is obviously a tough and confident woman.

  13. Homerun man -- way out of the park.

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