
Am I drinking too much tea??

by  |  earlier

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I drink 2 cups of Irish Breakfast tea with my breakfast, then 1-2 cups of jasmine with lunch, and then 2 cups of black tea with dinner.

Additionally, I only drink about 1 or two cups of water a day...

To sum up: 4-5 cups of black tea and 1-2 cups green tea a day.

Is this poor health?




  1. Is it possible to drink too much tea? I don't think so.

    It's good for you as long as you're not drowning it in sugars. And it's a much healthier alternative to other things, e.g. high-sodium soft drinks.

    Don't worry about your water intake because tea IS water, so you're satisfying that requirement.

  2. Sounds good to me...and delicious.  I love tea!

    The goal is to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water (8 oz. glasses) per day.  You can substitute tea for some of your water.  This should be a good guide for you to go by.

    There is a such thing as drinking too much water (or tea).  Liquids flush the body of toxins and allows cells to work efficiently.  But too much liquid can flush out your body's electrolyte stores - not good.

    If you are adding sugar to your teas, it might be too much sugar, but not too much tea.  Be careful of caffeine as well.  Switch to decaffeinated teas if you feel like your energy levels are spiking up and dropping, or if you are craving tea - it could be too much caffeine.

    How do you feel after you drink your tea?  Listen to your body.  If you feel good, chances are you are doing the right thing.

    I hope that helps!

  3. Yes tea is very bad for you esp. when u drink it like this

  4. i don't think there's such a thing as too much tea. i mean, if you're adding a lot of sugar and cream, then yes. but plain and such, you can go all day if you want. i would recommend more water, but you can enjoy tea as much as you want.  

  5. if the tea is decaf, than not really. if the tea is has caffiene then your probably taking in 2 much caffine. but if you drink decaf, the only health risk is your teeth getting yellow

  6. Better than drinking soda all day I guess.

    But all that tea has tons of caffeine...too much caffeine is bad.

  7. 2-3 cup is enough. U r drinking more so its not good for health

  8. You should be drinking more plain water than anything. I have to agree with the person(s) above me, that is too much. And also remember that anything caffeinated isn't really good for you either. At the very most drink 1 cup a meal but 2 cups a day sounds better.

  9. Yes....u're health is poor!

    Maximum 2-3 cups of tea is allowed by experts in a day. You're drinking abt 5-6 cups of tea n no WATER @ all!

    It's harmful for health. In a day, at least 1-1.5 liter water must be drank.

    Water is must for body n good health.

    Less quantity of tea is goood bt much is obveously harmful.

  10. yes

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